Book Storage Hacks for Small Spaces – Get Your Beloved Books a Designated Storage Spot

Are you a book lover? If you answered with a resounding “yes,” we’re pretty sure you’ve got a huge collection of books. The thing with book lovers is that they can’t give away their books to someone just because they don’t have space to store them. They’re connected to their books emotionally, and they find it hard to give a piece of their heart away to someone simply because they can’t come up with proper book storage in their home.

Book Storage

. Don’t worry if you’ve got limited storage space in your home and your books are too many for the little space you have.

This blog post is for you!

We’ve listed down some of the most creative hacks for book storage for small spaces. You’ll never be out of space for your books with our super-cool, out-of-the-box book storage ideas!

Creative Book Storage Hacks for Small Spaces

 Book storage ideas for your home

You can’t store your books just anywhere. You need to keep certain factors in mind. If you store your books in your basement, your books may deteriorate faster due to high humidity. If you store your books in the attic, the constant exposure to dust may damage them.

You see, for someone who loves their books, designated book storage is very important. Our creative book storage ideas will help you a great deal if you want utility and style to go hand-in-hand.

Store Your Books Behind the Door

Nobody thinks about using the thin space that’s available behind the door. However, when you’ve got limited space for your books in the rest of your house, you most definitely can consider this idea. Build a thin shelf in the space behind the door.

It might not offer too much space for book storage, but something’s better than nothing, right?

Use the Space Under Your Bench

Most homes feature a bench by the window. It makes for a cozy spot where you can relax with a cup of coffee or your favorite book. How cool would it be to have your books stored somewhere nearby? Well, how about you build a storage cabinet under the bench?

There’s plenty of room under the bench that most people use to store their stuff. Why not use it to store your books? You can leave the storage cabinet open, giving others a clear view of the mini library, or you can install a cabinet door to keep your books safely stored away.

Book Storage for Studio Apartments

Book Storage

As much as studio apartments look cozy and welcoming, they don’t offer much storage space. You’ll find making space for your books very difficult if you live in a studio apartment. However, we’ve got a pretty simple and straightforward book storage idea for you.

You can build a bookshelf in the center of your apartment’s living area and use it as a divider. You’ll have the perfect space for storing your books and a naturally divided living space. You can use one section of the living space as a common room and the other as a bedroom.

Utilize Your Hall Cabinet

It’s time you empty your hall closet, which is most likely filled with brooms, mops, and cleaning liquids. You can bring your hall cabinet to better use. Install shelves in your hall cabinet and use this space to store your books. Transform your hall cabinet into a miniature library.  

Replace the wooden door of the cabinet with a glass-front door to make your reader’s paradise an attraction for your visitors.

Corner Shelves

Corner shelf book storage ideasv

The corners where two walls meet are often wasted spaces. There’s not enough space to keep any furniture. However, you can build corner shelves in these corners and use them to store your books and other decorative accessories.

It’s one of the best ways of utilizing whatever space is available in your small home.

Build Floating Shelves in Your Hallways

Hallways offer a lot of wall space that you can use to make floating shelves. Floating shelves are great for book storage. Not only will you find sufficient storage space for your books, but you’ll also make your hallway a major attraction for visitors!

Install warm lights to amplify the warm and welcoming aura and leave your visitors amazed!

Utilize Space under the Staircase

The space under the staircase is often plain, blank, and boring. You can add bookshelves to this space to add a pop of color and an element of personality to an otherwise boring and useless bit of space. You’ll get great book storage without using any floor space.

Moreover, you’ll transform a boring part of your home into something colorful and exciting.

Add a Revolving Bookshelf in a Corner

Like we said earlier, the corners of a room pose a great opportunity for book storage. One way to multiply the storage space is to invest in a revolving shelf instead of wall-mounted shelves. Revolving shelves will provide more book storage space in very limited floor space.

Using a bookshelf for book storage

Only book lovers can understand how valuable of an asset their books are. They deserve designated storage space like any of your other valuable belongings.

If you’ve been thinking of ways to store your books so that they don’t get damaged in your small house, we’re sure you now have a clear direction. There’s no end to creativity, and you can use any of the above-listed book storage hacks to come up with ideas of your own!

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