10 Commonly Overlooked Storage Spaces

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 Overlooked Storage Spaces, Storage Space, Home Organization and Storage, Home Organization Tips, How to Create More Storage Space In Your Home, Popular Pin

Whether you have a little or a lot of storage space in your home, you can’t really afford to overlook any usable space to keep your stuff. To help you make the most of the room you have, here are the 10 most commonly overlooked storage spaces in most homes.

1. Under the Stairs

If you don’t have an under-stair closet, you are likely missing this large area of storage space. If you do have a closet there, you might not like using it because it feels cramped. Well, it doesn’t have to. By installing some shelving, you can keep books, knick-knacks, seasonal decor, or just about anything there.

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2. Close to the Top

For things you don’t use often, there is no reason not to use the space very close to the ceiling. Installing shelves and using attractive bins or baskets can make use of this space that few people really utilize.

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3. Under Base Cabinets

Instead of an empty toe-kick space, why not have drawers installed in the bottom of your base cabinets? You can do this in the kitchen, bathroom, or laundry room.

4. Slim Walls

A slim portion of wall can be used to store and organize mail and other papers. In the kitchen, why not use the side of your refrigerator cubby to hang a spice rack or some shallow shelves?

 Overlooked Storage Spaces, Storage Space, Home Organization and Storage, Home Organization Tips, How to Create More Storage Space In Your Home, Popular Pin

5. Over the Commode

In your bathroom, storage space probably comes at a high premium. Be sure not to over look the space above and around the toilet. There are plenty of ways to design storage for this area that’s both attractive and functional.

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6. Inside Furniture

Anytime you can buy furniture that doubles as storage, you’re doing yourself a favor. Under-bed drawers, storage coffee tables, and ottomans with hidden compartments are just a few of your choices.

7. Extra Bank of Cabinets

Why not install an extra bank or two of cabinets in a hallway, mud room, or utility area? You’ll have space for office supplies, linens, wrapping paper, crafting tools, games, and more.

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8. High in the Garage

Overhead storage solutions for your garage are becoming more and more popular. If you’re someone who has so much stuff in your garage that you can’t fit your car in there, you might want to take a look at these options. Some of them even come with a pully system so you can get things down easily.

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9. In the Entry

Even if you don’t have a formal foyer or entryway, you can probably put a drop zone there for backpacks, coats, and a place to sit down and remove shoes. It doesn’t have to take a major project to make a major difference.

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10. Under the Sink

I know what your’e thinking: “I have a lot of stuff under my sink!” But are you using the space as efficiently as possible? Normally, people set things in the bottom of that cabinet and then think they’re out of room. However, chances are you have some space above your current setup that you’re not using. And are you using the inside of the door?

 Overlooked Storage Spaces, Storage Space, Home Organization and Storage, Home Organization Tips, How to Create More Storage Space In Your Home, Popular Pin

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