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Hidden storage is such an important thing to have in your home! These hidden storage hacks will completely change your life.

15 Hidden Storage Hacks

Hidden Storage Hacks

15 Hidden Storage Hacks

Add some hidden storage on your headboard for whatever you need. It could be a book, glasses, or even a weapon for late night protection. Whatever you feel is best!

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Double your furniture by making it in storage. Get a storage ottoman that can go in any room and can hide all sorts of storage space.

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Install a spot behind a picture frame for hidden storage. Just attach hinges to the side of the picture and you’re good to go!

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Buy a mirror or make your own frame that has storage in the sides. You can easily push them open to access the storage space and take up less counter space.

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Give the paneling around your house more of a purpose than decoration. Install a hidden storage compartment behind them to increase storage space.

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Turn your coffee table into an amazing hidden storage piece. You can put all sorts of things in there, from blankets to a computer!

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Install a pull out drawer in your floating shelves. It’s actually a lot easier than you think and allows you to have more storage space high up.

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If you really want to hide some valuables, then install a storage space behind a few outlets! It will be a false outlets so you don’t have to worry about wires crossing.

Hidden Storage Hacks

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Another really sneaky hiding spot is a tile in the shower. Just hollow out a hole that you can hide behind a tile in the shower!

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If you have a raised tub, then use the space around your tub for hidden storage. You can store shampoo, conditioner, and whatever other bathroom items you need.

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Combine the spines of multiple books to make a hidden little cubby for your bookshelf. You can hide whatever you need to in the empty space behind the book spines.

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Stair risers are a really effective place for hidden storage because they’re essentially just wasted space. You can turn all of them into hidden storage or just a few; it’s your choice.

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You can also use under the whole set of stairs as some hidden storage. This can be open or, if you want it REALLY hidden, you can disguise it with decorative panels. This is one of my favorite hidden storage hacks!

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If you have a dead wall in your kitchen that isn’t load-bearing but you like, then turn it into a hidden pantry! Simply pull it out when you need access!

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At the side of your tub, have a small compartment where you can store shampoo. Conditioner, body wash, lotion, etc. It’s really accessible and easy to get to.

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5 thoughts on “15 Hidden Storage Hacks

  1. A “Why didn’t I think of that?” moment. I have sliding doors on my “wardrobes” (I’m British!), so why not on the wall!

    Love your ideas.

  2. These are all excellent creative ideas for maximizing space usage! The problem is that they’re not workable for the average person who has not building skills and/or for the person who can’t afford to pay to have them done.

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