Interior design, interior design hacks, popular pin, home decoration mistakes, home decorating tips.



18 Decorating Mistakes that Make Your House Look Messy

Keep your furniture away from the walls. When everything is pushed up against the sides of a room, it can look cluttered and messy. If you keep your couches, tables, chairs, and other items away from the walls it will create a feeling of having more space.


18 Decorating Mistakes that Make Your House Look Messy

Make sure you decorate the entry room of your house. Walking into a home will make a big first impression and if the entry way of your home is messy, the rest of the house will feel messy.


18 Decorating Mistakes that Make Your House Look Messy2

Hang pictures up like a gallery wall, which will give it a clean and organized feel. Pictures are great to add to a home, but if they are scattered everywhere it can start to feel cluttered. When putting up pictures, make sure they are placed in a balanced and organized fashion.


18 Decorating Mistakes that Make Your House Look Messy

Use storage bins that look alike so that everything is uniform and looks organized. It also helps to label your items so that you avoid throwing items into bins when you are in a hurry because you don’t know where everything goes.


18 Decorating Mistakes that Make Your House Look Messy

Try to hide all of your electronic cords. This may sound simple, but it can make a huge difference! Having lots of cords bunched together looks really messy and distracts from the decor you have in your home.


18 Decorating Mistakes that Make Your House Look Messy

Use shelves in your home to store items in your home, but make sure you keep them very simple. Don’t over crowd them with too many decorative pieces. Remember to leave space in between everything you place on the shelves and try to have balance all the way down your shelving.


18 Decorating Mistakes that Make Your House Look Messy

To easily remove clutter in your home, try to keep your countertops clear. Although it may be tempting to place things on top of your counters and tables, try to keep them barren. This is a fast and easy way to help your home not look so messy.


18 Decorating Mistakes that Make Your House Look Messy

Remove excess items in your home you don’t need. Try to throw out the things in your home that will add clutter. Ask yourself, “Do I love this?” and if the answer is no, toss it!


18 Decorating Mistakes that Make Your House Look Messy

Remember that it’s ok to have a junk drawer! You want things in your home to have “a place.” Small items like tape, scissors, papers you need to hold on to, etc. can quickly accumulate into clutter all over your home. If you keep all of those items in one place it will help you to avoid placing them all over the place. Just make sure to go through that drawer every once in a while and clean it out.


18 Decorating Mistakes that Make Your House Look Messy

Try to get in the habit of keeping things nice and tidy. If you get something out, put it away. If you finish it, replace it. If it’s full, empty it. If you take it off, hang it up. If it’s garbage, trash it. Small habits you form like this will help you keep things nice and organized so you can avoid clutter. It only takes a few seconds to do these things in the moment, but can take a lot longer to try to clean everything up later.


18 Decorating Mistakes that Make Your House Look Messy


Have open shelving for your linens and supplies. It will force you to keep things clean and organized. You will realize what items you have are essential and which ones aren’t.


18 Decorating Mistakes that Make Your House Look Messy

Unsubscribe from mail lists. Lots of mail can quickly add to clutter that will keep coming in everyday. To avoid paper pile up, ask to be removed from mailing lists and then keep your bills and other papers you actually need nicely filed.


18 Decorating Mistakes that Make Your House Look Messy


Get rid of your old movie cases or cd cases. You can simplify entertainment spaces by compiling your disks into an organizer rather than taking up a ton of messy space with busy looking cases.


18 Decorating Mistakes that Make Your House Look Messy

Store items you only use a few times a year in your garage. Items like holiday decorations, camping equipment, etc. that you won’t be using everyday can be stored away so that they aren’t cluttered in closets or room spaces where they can make huge messes.


18 Decorating Mistakes that Make Your House Look Messy

Put labels in your pantry to keep all of your food nice, organized and easy to find. It will feel great to know that even the items you have behind closed doors are nice and clutter free too!


18 Decorating Mistakes that Make Your House Look Messy

Occasionally use big pieces of art work to decorate a wall rather than trying to fill the space with a lot of clustered little items. It’s good to find a balance between both types of decor. Bigger pictures can add a lot to a room but help you avoid a cluttered look.


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Use bigger pillows in your home, but only use a couple. Lots of flat pillows will make your home feel cluttered and too busy. Using just a few, good quality, but simple pillows will make your rooms look great while also clean. Find some that are fluffy and don’t flatten easily.


18 Decorating Mistakes that Make Your House Look Messy

Get rid of big, bulky plants in your house that cause too much clutter. Instead, try finding small plants that are low-maintenance so that they will look clean and healthy without taking up too much space.



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4 thoughts on “18 Interior Design Hacks

  1. Messy homes can be quite the turn-off, and these ideas are just great! I do have an issue with the whole “keep furniture away from the walls” our L couch keeps on sliding (our floor is marbled) which is why we chose to lean it on the wall. Any idea on how we can make it stay in one place without damaging the flooring?

    1. Hi Jane,
      Visit Amazon and do a search for “no slide furniture pads.” Some great options come up. Good luck!

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