- If you have really stubborn carpet stains, use an iron to remove them! Place a small towel or washcloth down so that the iron isn’t directly on the carpet or stain.
- Hang up your brooms and your mops rather than keeping them somewhere on the floor. This will help prevent any mildew and keep them in much better condition.
<img class=”alignnone size-large wp-image-693″ src=”https://organizationjunkie.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/25-Tips-Fit-For-Every-Clean-Freak-2-350×232.jpg” alt=”25 Tips Fit For Every Clean Freak! ” width=”350″ height=”232″ srcset=”https://organizationjunkie.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/25-Tips-Fit-For-Every-Clean-Freak-2-350×232 .jpg 350w, https://organizationjunkie.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/25-Tips-Fit-For-Every-Clean-Freak-2-560×371.jpg 560w, https://organizationjunkie.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/25-Tips-Fit-For-Every-Clean-Freak-2-260×172.jpg 260w, https://organizationjunkie.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/25-Tips-Fit-For-Every-Clean-Freak-2-160×106.jpg 160w, https://organizationjunkie.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/25-Tips-Fit-For-Every-Clean-Freak-2.jpg 600w” sizes=”(max-width: 350px) 100vw, 350px” />
- Microwave your sponges (the non-metal ones, of course) on high for 2 minutes! This will zap any of the bacteria that is inside so you can use your sponge longer and have it be clean.
- To keep your mattress smelling clean, you need some baking soda and essential oil. Choose your oil scent and mix it with the baking soda. Next, put it in a fine toothed strainer or sifter from your kitchen which will help sprinkle the mixture on.
- Put a hole through some cloth napkins and slide them around your hangers. This will make your own dust covers for your jackets and keep them cleaner! The napkins can be thrown in the wash from time to time to also keep them clean.
- Put lemons down your garbage disposal. Once you grind them up, it will keep your sink fresh and smelling so much better!
- Use Pledge to clean your stainless steel refrigerator. This will get it to REALLY shine! You’ll wonder why you hadn’t thought of it sooner.
- Use a lint roller to clean the dust off of your lampshades. This is such a fast and easy clean but will get the job done!
- It’s always good to give your dishwasher a nice clean! Run a cycle with Kool-Aid. Not only will it clean your dishwasher, it will also make it smell divine.
- Use a ball of wet, aluminum foil to take rust off of chrome surfaces. Just crumple up a ball of foil and run it under the water faucet and use it to scrub!
- Use nylons to clean your candles! They will clean the surfaces, and help your candles give off more of a scent, all without damaging the wax, and removing any unsightly dust.
- If your candles are in a jar, so only the tops need to be cleaned, use a cotton ball dipped in rubbing alcohol. It will do the trick to keep the dust off the surface of the candle so it doesn’t burn into the air.
- Use WD-40 to remove scuff marks of your floors! This does the trick really well and is best to apply with a scrub brush.
- Cut a bagel in half and then use the inside to clean an old painting! Yes, it may sound crazy, but it actually works. It will remove any dust off the surface without damaging your piece of art.
- Wax paper is great for cleaning faucets! It will remove the water stains and help prevent build up or finger prints on the surfaces in the future.
- Use an old sock to clean your blinds. If you wrap it around your hand, you’ll be able to reach between each panel and clean the blinds really well. You can either throw the sock away when you are done or wash it and use it again the next time you clean blinds.
- Everyone talks about using a toothbrush to clean kitchen cabinets. While that might work, it takes a lot longer than using a scrub brush this size! Fill your scrub brush with dish soap and then go to town.
- Clean the baseboards in your home with some dryer sheets! They work like magic. They will keep them clean and also make your house smell like fresh laundry while you use them!
- Crank up the hot water in your tub so that the alkaline cleaners you use in your bathroom will become more effective. Even just increasing the temperature in your bathroom by 10 degrees will make a huge difference.
- Use car wax to wax the vents in your home. This will keep the dust off of them and should last a very long time, so just applying the wax on one time will make a huge difference.
- If your jewelry or silver needs an updated look, just clean your silver items with some toothpaste. It will remove unwanted gunk and also give them a nice polish!
- Remove carpet stains and mattress stains simply by combining hydrogen peroxide and dawn dish soap! This is a miracle mixture for removing stains and you’ll be tempted to use it on everything in your house.
- Use a lemon to remove stains from your cutting board! This will make it look better, smell better, and is the best natural method out there. This way, you aren’t applying chemicals to the surface where your food will be cut.
- Use newspaper to clean your windows! It’s a great way to recycle and will also leave the windows in your home looking streak free.
- Use baby wipes to remove make up on your clothing. This is great to do at home when the stains are hard to erase, but it’s also good to keep wipes in your purse so you can clean the spots when you are away from home.
Great idea – I actually use the Murphy’s oil that I use to clean my wood floors with as well – it works great.
I’ve heard about using dryer sheets before. Do you wet them or use dry?