5 Ways to Organize All of Your Receipts

5 Ways to Organize All of Your Receipts| Home Organization, Home Organization TIps and Tricks, Paper Clutter, Paper Clutter Organization, Home Organization, Home Organization Hacks, Organization 101 #HomeOrganization #PaperClutterOrganization #OrganizationTipsandTricks

5 Ways to Organize All of Your Receipts| Home Organization, Home Organization TIps and Tricks, Paper Clutter, Paper Clutter Organization, Home Organization, Home Organization Hacks, Organization 101 #HomeOrganization #PaperClutterOrganization #OrganizationTipsandTricks

We all have to hold onto receipts for whatever reason. Maybe you made a big purchase and want to hold onto it to back up your warranty. Maybe you’re giving a gift and want to be on the safe side. Maybe they’re for tax purposes to document business expenses. Perhaps you’re planning to get reimbursed from work. Whatever your reasons, those receipts can quickly turn into a big pile — and make a big, unorganized mess. Here’s how to organize all those receipts you need to hold onto.

1. In the Closet

For clothing you just bought, have the casher put the receipt in the bag. Then when you go home and hang that shirt or dress, immediately tape or staple the receipt onto the tag. If you don’t end up loving the item and want to return it, the receipt will be right there, ready to go.

2. Use an App

Want to keep digital files of all those receipts instead of paper copies? If that’s an acceptable way to keep them for your purpose (check with work or your accountant, if necessary), there’s a free app called Evernote that will help you do just that. Learn how to do it here. It’s easy!

3. Throw ’em in a Jar

Heck if nothing else, grab an attractive jar to keep those receipts in. If nothing else, they’ll be contained and look just fine on your countertop or dresser.

4. Categorize

If you have several different types of receipts to hold onto, grab a coupon organizer and divide them into categories.

5. Use Google

Yep, Google can do just about everything for you these days (except clean the toilet or change your oil). Did you know you can even organize your receipts using Google Drive? It’s simple.

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