7 Organization Rules That Will Make Your Home INSTANTLY Cleaner

7 Organization Rules That Will Make Your Home INSTANTLY Cleaner| Home Organization, Home Organization Tips and Tricks, How to Organize Your Home, Home Organization Hacks, How to Organize Your Home, Organization Hacks, Organization 101, Clutter Free Living

7 Organization Rules That Will Make Your Home INSTANTLY Cleaner| Home Organization, Home Organization Tips and Tricks, How to Organize Your Home, Home Organization Hacks, How to Organize Your Home, Organization Hacks, Organization 101, Clutter Free Living

Woohoo! A clean house in an instant? Sign me up, right! Okay, we’re not just going to wave a magic wand and make your house look perfect, but we are going to give you 7 rules of organization that will make your home cleaner — after you do them. So let’s stop putting it off and get to work.

7 Organization Rules That Will Make Your Home INSTANTLY Cleaner| Home Organization, Home Organization Tips and Tricks, How to Organize Your Home, Home Organization Hacks, How to Organize Your Home, Organization Hacks, Organization 101, Clutter Free Living

1. Make a Mess

Wait, what? Seriously though…if you’re going to get organized, you’ve got to start by going through stuff. You probably don’t want the stapler in the same drawer as your wax paper, but it happens. Often, the first step to cleaning things up actually makes a big mess. Create a staging area and label any bins or boxes you’re going to use by room or category. Get rid of what you don’t need and categorize the rest in a way that makes sense to you. Then, you can put it all away.

7 Organization Rules That Will Make Your Home INSTANTLY Cleaner| Home Organization, Home Organization Tips and Tricks, How to Organize Your Home, Home Organization Hacks, How to Organize Your Home, Organization Hacks, Organization 101, Clutter Free Living

2. Think Outside the Box

You don’t have to spend $200 on big plastic bins and labels. Chances are, you already have a lot of what you need. Shoe boxes, boxes from your last move, large tote bags, coffee cans, mason jars, and clear plastic bags all have their place. If it can hold stuff, hold off on getting rid of it until you know if you can use it.

7 Organization Rules That Will Make Your Home INSTANTLY Cleaner| Home Organization, Home Organization Tips and Tricks, How to Organize Your Home, Home Organization Hacks, How to Organize Your Home, Organization Hacks, Organization 101, Clutter Free Living

3. End Paper Clutter

Mail, school papers, messages, ugh! It’s everywhere. Tame it with a command center, and above all, sort through it DAILY to rid yourself of unwanted junk.

7 Organization Rules That Will Make Your Home INSTANTLY Cleaner| Home Organization, Home Organization Tips and Tricks, How to Organize Your Home, Home Organization Hacks, How to Organize Your Home, Organization Hacks, Organization 101, Clutter Free Living

4. Change the Way You Think

Take Elsa’s advice and start letting things go. It’ll free up both physical and emotional clutter that you don’t need. Also, remember that organization is ongoing — you can’t just do it once and be done with it. It’s part of your daily to-do list, and if you keep up on it, you’ll never have to do a major overhaul again.

7 Organization Rules That Will Make Your Home INSTANTLY Cleaner| Home Organization, Home Organization Tips and Tricks, How to Organize Your Home, Home Organization Hacks, How to Organize Your Home, Organization Hacks, Organization 101, Clutter Free Living

5. Make Your Bed

Yes, every day! It can make a big difference in your outlook when you come home from a tough day at work and find your bed neat and tidy. Making it a point to make your bed every day is bound to flow into other areas of your life, motivating you to stay on top of other things, too.

7 Organization Rules That Will Make Your Home INSTANTLY Cleaner| Home Organization, Home Organization Tips and Tricks, How to Organize Your Home, Home Organization Hacks, How to Organize Your Home, Organization Hacks, Organization 101, Clutter Free Living

6. The Bedroom Closet

As the old adage goes, “clean closet, clean life.” Okay, so I made that up. But doesn’t it make sense? First, tackle the setup of your bedroom closet and so that it makes sense. Then, you can start getting rid of things that you don’t wear.

7 Organization Rules That Will Make Your Home INSTANTLY Cleaner| Home Organization, Home Organization Tips and Tricks, How to Organize Your Home, Home Organization Hacks, How to Organize Your Home, Organization Hacks, Organization 101, Clutter Free Living

7. De-Clutter Living Areas

There are a lot of ways to go about eliminating clutter in your living room, family room, and kitchen. Here’s a great tutorial, but the process involves defining each room, using containers wisely, and minimizing the fluff.

7 Organization Rules That Will Make Your Home INSTANTLY Cleaner| Home Organization, Home Organization Tips and Tricks, How to Organize Your Home, Home Organization Hacks, How to Organize Your Home, Organization Hacks, Organization 101, Clutter Free Living

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