7 Places Clutter Hides in Your Home

OK, so clutter doesn’t necessarily hide. If it did, it probably wouldn’t feel so…cluttered. But whether out in the open or behind closed doors, clutter is a problem in most homes. Here are 7 spots it tends to collect, and what you can do about it.

1. The Entry Way
It’s the drop zone: where everything goes when kids or adults come home. Instead of letting it pile up on the floor, set up a simple containment system: hooks or a coat tree for jackets, a small table with a drawer for keys and mail, and a shoe rack or storage bench.

2. Kitchen Countertops
If you hate clutter, you probably can’t stand keeping a lot of stuff on your kitchen counters. Try only keeping out what you use at least a couple of times per week, and put everything else a way. If storage space is a problem, a bakers’ rack or even an inexpensive bookshelf pantry can work wonders.

3. The Desk
The only things on your desktop should be the things you use every day. Do you really need the stapler and extra printer paper out? If you need extra storage, try putting a shelf or cabinet on the wall. Getting some coordinated storage accessories can keep things looking classy.

4. Your Coffee Table
Between remotes, books, and newspapers, the coffee table is often a home for clutter. A table with built-in storage can be helpful, as can decorative storage items like baskets. Putting extra papers into the recycle bin daily helps, too.

5. The Bathroom Counter
Storage is a problem in many bathrooms. Installing an extra shelf under the sink or some hooks inside the vanity door can help keep clutter at bay. You could also try some of these unique bathroom storage ideas.

6. Bedroom Closets
If your bedroom closet is busting at the seams, try the obvious first: donate the clothes that don’t fit or flatter. Then, try installing some additional hanging bars or other storage solutions. You can even keep your off-season clothing in bins somewhere else.

7. Kitchen Drawers
We all have that one (at least!) drawer that tries to hold way too much and turns into a big mess. But with some dividers and smart container ideas, you can tame the unruly beast. Don’t be afraid to stack dividers if you can, and sort small items into their own tiny bins.



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