clean freak | clean | signs you're a clean freak | clean house | cleaning tips | cleaning | tips and tricks

clean freak | clean | signs you're a clean freak | clean house | cleaning tips | cleaning | tips and tricks

Welcome back to Organization Junkie! Today we’re talking about cleaning–or better yet, the signs that you’re a clean freak. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, because who is complaining that your house is spotless? Certainly not us! But you and your family are the best gauge of whether the sings you’re a clean freak are bordering on obsessive. If you’re happy, we’re happy. If not, take a look at this list and see if you’re a clean freak. Then you can decide if you should do something about it.

clean freak | clean | signs you're a clean freak | clean house | cleaning tips | cleaning | tips and tricks

Here are 8 signs that you’re a clean freak:

  1. You have a stash of emergency stain removers–but not just in the laundry room. You have one hidden in every room, because you never know when you might need it!
  2. Commercials are not the time to pull out your phone and check your messages. Commercials are the perfect time to jump up and make sure that the television, lamp, and coffee table haven’t gotten dusty since the last commercial. It’s also a good time to make sure the floor is clean!
  3. You can’t just sit and watch other people {including your spouse} clean the house. Because you’re sure that you are the only person who knows how to get it clean just the way you want it.
  4. Spring is your favorite time of year! Not because the weather is warmer and the flowers start to appear. Spring is your favorite because it’s time for Spring cleaning!clean freak | clean | signs you're a clean freak | clean house | cleaning tips | cleaning | tips and tricks
  5. You’re a clean freak if your most satisfying weekend involves cleaning the garage. Even if you just did it last month.
  6. You know every clever little cleaning trick there is. Things like using sticky notes to pick up crumbs between the keys of your laptop, or dryer sheets for polishing your shower doors. You also know the tricks that don’t work–because you’ve tried them all!
  7. You’ve seriously considered banning guests from your home during the winter in order to protect your floors from wet muck and stains. {Not to mention the fact that you don’t want to get sick}.
  8. The hotel maids have nothing to do when you’re staying there, because you can’t stop yourself from cleaning your own room.

How do you stack up against these 8 signs that you’re a clean freak? If you said yes to all 8, you might ease up on yourself just a little. Try cutting out one of those signs by resisting the urge to clean when it really isn’t necessary. The next time you vacation, don’t clean your room. The hotel maids really do know what they are doing!

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