One easy and simple way to organize things in your freezer is by using magazine racks to keep things neat! They’re cheap, durable, and are great for making sure that things aren’t just lying around and taking up unneeded space!
You can also get actual bins to store your food. I would suggest clear bins so you can see through them and know what’s in each one without having to memorize the whole layout. Organize foods by type: poultry, veggies, fruit, seafood, etc.
When possible, vacuum seal everything you can. This not only takes up less space in your freezer (making things much easier to organizer), but it also makes them more visible since there isn’t just empty space in the bag.
Also, make sure you label everything! Freezers need to stay cold, so the longer you have the door open to search for what you need, then it’s going to be bad for the freezer. With labels, you can quickly grab what you want without any problems.
Be smart and take everything out of their big and bulky containers. These just take up valuable space in your freezer, plus they make it hard to see what you really have stored away in there. Put them in baggies that you can freeze flat and store easily.
If you buy in bulk, then you probably have to separate your food already when you freeze it. So, when you go to freeze it, do the following: double wrap the portion in plastic wrap, cover it in freezer paper, and then label the paper with the contents, quantity, and date purchased. That way you’ll always know what and how much of something you have.
Freeze all of your food in serving sizes. That way, when you go to grab it, you don’t have to wait for things to thaw out and then divide them. You can just grab exactly what you want in the exact serving size you need, shaving tons of time when it times to cook.
Don’t put meltable things in the door of the freezer. Things like ice cream, when they’re in the door, will melt and refreeze, causing the texture and flavor to be lower quality. Keep those things towards the back of the freezer, that is more consistently cold.
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