Fridge Organization – Ways to Keep Your Refrigerator Neat and Organized

Fridge organization is not an easy task. If you are someone who loves to clean, the idea of cleaning every nook and corner probably appeals to you. Nothing can bring as much satisfaction as deep-cleansing the house. However, the fridge is a one-stop that rattles most people. This is where you can find all the food items, expired products, fruits, vegetables, and canned goods. Therefore, fridge organization can be quite a task. is stacked with creative ideas for keeping a clean and organized space. Find out how you can wipe out clutter in an instant. These clever ideas will have your fridge totally organized in no time!

Whenever you start with your fridge organization plans, make sure to sort out all the items and get rid of the unwanted products. Most people spend time cleaning and sorting the entire setting of a refrigerator. While that’s important, you need to know the following things regarding fridge organization not many people are familiar with:

1. Fridge Organization First Step – Declutter Your Fridge

One of the basic fridge organization techniques is getting rid of all the clutter you might have accumulated over time. You might think everything is either edible or usable; however, once you deep-clean your fridge, you will realize there are tones of items that have extended their expiration dates. Things go inside a fridge, and you tend to forget them, especially when you have so much to juggle. Therefore, you need to ensure that your freezer has limited items, all of which should be usable. Know that your freezer should not overspill items whenever you open it.

Fridge Organization

Having said that, an empty freezer is also problematic. Therefore, you should make sure to store all the required items and edibles inside your freezer in a way that makes it easier for you to sort everything out at the time of fridge organization.

2. Don’t Waste the Food

If you haven’t organized your fridge correctly, you might waste your edible items. A disorganized fridge makes it difficult for you to settle which item is edible and which one has crossed its expiration date. During fridge organization, always make sure to store canned foods and other edible items in a compartment right in front of you. This way, you will easily and quickly get your hands on these items and finish them off before they go bad. Sort out every food item individually and ensure its edibility.

Fridge Organization

3. Don’t Place Chopped Up Items in the Fridge

Fridge organization entails that every item inside a freezer should be reusable. Chopped-up items tend to deteriorate faster than the ones with covers. You might have heard that chopping fruits and vegetables and storing them in your fridge encourages a healthy experience. However, chopped-up items can rot and create a smell inside your fridge, which will make it difficult for you in the fridge organization.  

4. Don’t Place Fruits and Vegetables Together

Every new refrigerator model has two compartments – one for fruits and the other one for vegetables. Most people mix the two and place them together. This will create chaos in your refrigerator and makes it difficult for you to clean the fridge. When you opt for fridge organization, always put fruits in the fruit compartment. The manufacturers have set the vegetable compartment to accommodate high-humidity items. Therefore, only vegetables can thrive in this compartment.

How to create space in your fridge

5. Store the Meat in the Lowest Compartment

Most people place meat in the middle compartment where it drips on other food items. During fridge organization, make sure to store the meat in the lowest compartment. This is because the meat might drip blood. If you place it in the center, it might ruin other food items.

Always store meat either in the freezer or in the lowest compartment of your fridge.

6. Store Strawberries in the Vegetable Compartment

Strawberries enjoy humidity. Whenever you go for fridge organization, always store them in the vegetable compartment. Fruit compartments have low humidity that wrecks the entire look of strawberries. Therefore, you should always store the pack of strawberries in the vegetable compartment.

7. Place Trays in Your Fridge

Whenever you go for fridge organization, always place trays and baskets. It will make it easier for you to manage every item stored inside the fridge. You can easily organize your refrigerator using baskets and trays. Even when you place meat inside your fridge, make sure to put a tray below so that it can collect the blood.

You can also use bins to fit condiments, such as flavors, ketchup, mayonnaise, and other spices that do not fit well. This way, you place every condiment in a storage box, making it easier to organize the refrigerator.

An Organized Fridge

8. Line Your Shelves and Drawers

Fridge organization will become much easier if you have lined shelves and drawers inside your refrigerator. This is the easiest hack that can do wonders for your fridge. You might think it is unnecessary; however, the fuss is so much worth it!

Lining the shelves and drawers of your freezer can make it easier for you to clean them. You won’t have to deep-clean it every so often. You can wipe all the shelves, compartments, and drawers in one easy swipe even when you do.

Final Word

Fridge organization can be a daunting task if you don’t know what you are doing. However, if you use all the tips and techniques mentioned in this article, it will be easier to organize your fridge and create a healthy atmosphere for your edibles. You won’t have to deep-clean it every week. All you need to do is wipe it clean in one go, and you will be set for days! Therefore, these fridge organization techniques are essential, and every newbie should be familiar with them.

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