Home-keeping Hacks You Should Know

The best home-keeping hacks should never be a secret. Home-keeping hacks that work should be shouted from the rooftops, don’t you agree? Today we’re going to share the best home-keeping hacks I’ve found to make keeping house easier than ever. You should know these hacks!

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Home-keeping hacks you should know

  1. Always do your deep cleaning along with the change of seasons. It’s easy to plan, and it’s easy to keep track of. For example, when spring comes plan on deep cleaning around the exterior of your home–patio furniture, windows, etc. Fall is a great time to flip your mattress and deep clean the carpets. Winter is the best time for decluttering and donating what you don’t need to a local thrift store.
  2. Whenever you wash your windows, get in the habit of using vertical strokes on the outside of your windows and horizontal strokes on the inside. That way, if you look at them later and see streaks, you’ll be able to tell which side the streaks are on much faster and easier.
  3. Have you ever spilled hot wax on a table? Grab a plastic baggie, fill it with ice cubes, and hold the ice cubes on the wax to harden it up and make it easier to remove.
  4. Set up a laundry schedule. Decide which day or days of the week are laundry days, and which aren’t. Then stick to it. You’ll be amazed at how much stress this takes out of your life! home hacks | homekeeping hacks | home | cleaning | cleaning hacks | clean | home-keeping
  5. When you do wash laundry, get in the habit of folding the clothes right out of the dryer and stacking them in the basket. Now all you have to do is put them away, and you’ll save a lot of ironing time!
  6. The best home-keeping hacks involve preventing bigger messes whenever you can. For example, vacuum the high traffic areas of your home more frequently to prevent dirt from building up in the carpet fibers. Use dryer sheets to dust baseboards and prevent new dust from sticking so quickly. Encourage the family to squeegee the shower after each use and prevent film from building up on the tile and shower doors.
  7. Keep a list of the most important chores for you personally, and do them frequently to stay on top of things. For me, this includes washing the dishes every night so the sink is clean in the morning.
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This is just a few of the most helpful home-keeping hacks I love. What home-keeping hacks do you use?

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