How to Remove Mold from Tile Grout Permanently

Mold on the tile grout in your bathroom can be a never ending problem. But it doesn’t have to be! If you take the right steps to clean it and then prevent it, you can remove mold from tile grout permanently.

It seems mold and grout were just meant for each other, right? The mold grows into the porous surface of the grout and it's hard to reach. You need an unfair advantage. Read on! #organizationjunkieblog #moldygrout #bathroomcleaning

Remove Mold

To remove mold that is already present in your shower grout, you can do one of two things. If you prefer to use the quickest, most effective and easiest method, use bleach. If you prefer a more natural approach with less chemicals, use baking soda.

Keep the tiles dry to prevent mold in shower grout.
  • Mix 4 parts water to 1 part bleach in a spray bottle. Spray all areas of mold in shower grout lines until they are thoroughly wet. Wait 30 minutes and then use an old toothbrush to scrub the grout lines clean. The mold should clean up pretty easily after the soaking time. Be sure to keep a window open for adequate ventilation when working with bleach! Rinse the grout and surrounding tile thoroughly with warm water.
  • Mix a paste of baking soda and water, and apply it in a thick layer to moldy grout. Wait half an hour, then use a stiff bristled brush to scrub the grout. The mild abrasiveness of the baking soda will help to remove the mold from the grout. Rinse thoroughly.

Prevent Mold

Once your grout is mold-free, there are some things you can do to help prevent it from returning.

  • If there isn’t a bath fan in your bathroom, seriously consider installing one. If you have one, make sure you run it after every bath or shower. Let it run for at least 15 minutes to thoroughly pull moisture out of the air in the room.
  • If your bathroom has a window, open it and allow lots of air circulation through the room as often as possible.
  • Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Stash it in the bathroom and use it to spray the tile and grout weekly. Once sprayed, let the solution air dry. The vinegar helps to prevent mold growth.

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