Are You Making a Mistake When Cleaning Your Bathtub?

Are You Making a Mistake When Cleaning Your Bathtub? Cleaning, How to Clean Your Bathroom, Easy Ways to Clean Your Bathroom, Bathroom Tips and Tricks, Easy Ways to Clean Your Bathroom, Cleaning, Cleaning Hacks, Quick Ways to Clean Your Bathroom, Bathroom Cleaning 101

Are You Making a Mistake When Cleaning Your Bathtub? Cleaning, How to Clean Your Bathroom, Easy Ways to Clean Your Bathroom, Bathroom Tips and Tricks, Easy Ways to Clean Your Bathroom, Cleaning, Cleaning Hacks, Quick Ways to Clean Your Bathroom, Bathroom Cleaning 101

I won’t lie: cleaning the tub is a real pain in the butt. You can’t really clean it effectively without bending over or stooping to your knees…or both. That’s why when you do clean the bathtub, you want to make sure it’s CLEAN, right? Nobody wants to bathe in a germy tub! (Especially after doing what it takes to clean it.) But one mistake that you’re probably making isn’t helping matters — and it might surprise you. Here’s a hint: it’s not only about the stains.

Are You Making a Mistake When Cleaning Your Bathtub? Cleaning, How to Clean Your Bathroom, Easy Ways to Clean Your Bathroom, Bathroom Tips and Tricks, Easy Ways to Clean Your Bathroom, Cleaning, Cleaning Hacks, Quick Ways to Clean Your Bathroom, Bathroom Cleaning 101

It’s About Bacteria

Stains are one thing, but would you take a nice, long bubble bath in salmonella, mildew, or other bacteria? Of course not! That’s why you work hard to get your tub clean. But did you know that even the best disinfecting cleaning agents, such as Scrubbing Bubbles, need several minutes to work?

Are You Making a Mistake When Cleaning Your Bathtub? Cleaning, How to Clean Your Bathroom, Easy Ways to Clean Your Bathroom, Bathroom Tips and Tricks, Easy Ways to Clean Your Bathroom, Cleaning, Cleaning Hacks, Quick Ways to Clean Your Bathroom, Bathroom Cleaning 101

Give it Time

For the cleanest tub, spray it liberally with a disinfecting cleaner and let it sit for at least 5 to 10 minutes. Just walk away! When you come back, you’ll probably see streaks where the cleaner collected and ran down toward the drain. Spray any spots you can tell were missed, and walk away again. Just do it! Your bathtub will thank you!

Are You Making a Mistake When Cleaning Your Bathtub? Cleaning, How to Clean Your Bathroom, Easy Ways to Clean Your Bathroom, Bathroom Tips and Tricks, Easy Ways to Clean Your Bathroom, Cleaning, Cleaning Hacks, Quick Ways to Clean Your Bathroom, Bathroom Cleaning 101


When we say scrub, we mean it! Grab a cushion for your knees if you must, but don’t be afraid to grab a stiff cleaning brush and go at it. Just be sure the bristles are the kind that won’t scratch. Scrubbing your tub may be a pain in the butt, the knees, and the back, but it’s the only way to get your tub clean and bacteria-free. Take breaks when you need to, but don’t worry. After all that hard work, you can take a nice, long bath without worry!

Are You Making a Mistake When Cleaning Your Bathtub? Cleaning, How to Clean Your Bathroom, Easy Ways to Clean Your Bathroom, Bathroom Tips and Tricks, Easy Ways to Clean Your Bathroom, Cleaning, Cleaning Hacks, Quick Ways to Clean Your Bathroom, Bathroom Cleaning 101


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