Organize Your Deep Freezer So It Doesn’t Look Like You’re Hiding A Dead Body

Organize Your Deep Freezer

Dead bodies in freezers? If you’ve read the news then you know it’s happened enough times already. Let’s not make it a thing! Instead, let’s learn how to organize your deep freezer so it doesn’t look like you’re hiding a dead body. It may not seem possible, but it really is!

It sounds funny, but we always joke about being able to hide a dead body in our deep freeze. We joke about because it is big enough, but it also is often a mess and looks like we just throw things in there to hide "evidence". We've learned how to organize the freezer and now it looks like Marie Kondo stopped by to lend a hand. #organizationtips #organizeadeepfreezer #organizationtipsforafreezer

Ways to Organize Your Deep Freezer

One of the downsides about having a deep freezer happens when you lose track of what’s in there. That results in wasted food you have to toss because it’s freezer burned or too old to eat. Keeping your deep freezer organized helps save money because you aren’t wasting food!

Nothing is worse than having a messy deep freezer. These tips will help you organize your deep freezer. You will be able to find things so much faster.

Organize Your Deep Chest Freezer with Plastic Crates

Chest freezers could arguably be the hardest of deep freezers to organize! Invariably, stuff gets trapped in the bottom where it’s hard to reach, and then it’s forgotten. But there is a way to organize that chest freezer so you can always find and retrieve what you want. Use stackable plastic {milk} crates! Depending on the size of your chest freezer, you can get two layers of milk crates in there.

  • Measure the dimensions of the freezer before you buy crates so you know how many will fit.
  • Plot out how you will organize your crates.
  • Less-used items should go into crates in the bottom of the freezer.
  • When you do need to access something in the bottom, it’s a simple matter to lift out the top crates.

Nothing is worse than having a messy deep freezer. These tips will help you organize your deep freezer. You'll be able to keep track of food so much better.

Organize Your Upright Freezer

Lots of plastic containers, like these freezer bins, are the surefire way to organize an upright freezer. Bins turn an open cavity in much more usable space!

  • Label your bins according to use. For example, devote one bin to chicken, one to beef, and one to pork.
  • Another bin holds all your frozen vegetables.
  • Use bins to hold freezer meals in one space.
  • Keep the items you use most at eye-level where they are easy to access.

Nothing is worse than having a messy deep freezer. These tips will help you organize your deep freezer. You'll be amazed at the difference using freezer bins makes.

Tips to Organize Any Deep Freezer

Here are some additional tips to help you organize any deep freezer, whether it’s a chest or upright style.

  • When you freeze things, put them in gallon sized Ziploc bags and lay flat on a cookie sheet until frozen. Then stack your flat bags upright in the right bin. You’ll fit much more in each bin this way.
  • For the best long-term results, use a vacuum sealer to seal your foods before you freeze them. This also saves a lot of space inside the freezer!
  • If you are organizing an extra freezer inside your garage or basement, try using a dry erase marker. All you do is draw a diagram on the outside of the freezer door that clearly shows where fruits, vegetables and meats are stored. You can also record amounts of each item, and revise it every time you use or replace something in the freezer. This is a great way to keep an inventory of what you’ve got!
  • When you bring home items from the store that are in bulky boxes–such as frozen pizzas, burritos, etc.–remove them from the box and store in a bin instead. The boxes take up unnecessary space.

Now that you know how to organize your deep freezer, you can get an organized fridge too.

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