Professional Organizers Say Throw These Things Out NOW

Throw These Things Out Now

Believe it or not, most people are not naturally great at organization–so that’s where professional organizers come in. Professional organizers always have the best tips and advice. The advice we’re sharing today is “Throw these things out NOW!” Getting rid of some clutter is a surefire way to power up your organization muscles and get you ready for more organized living.

Organization often means getting rid of clutter/junk that we hang on to for some reason, but really have no need for it. Today's discussion is about just that, what things you should throw out immediately according to professional organizers. These people know their stuff and their word is like scripture from the organization bible. It's good stuff to follow. Keep reading to learn what things you should get rid of now. #organizationtips #thingstothrowawaynow


Why “Throw These Things Out NOW”?

The answer to that question is pretty simple. Things on the list of stuff to get rid of is just STUFF. It’s most likely cluttering up your home, your life, and even your mind. Throw it out, and you gain free space that you can use to better organize what’s actually important to you.

Things To Throw Out Now

Are you looking for tips on how to get more organized? You need to know what throw these things out now. Like old cookware that's damaged and you don't use, get rid of it!

Old Cookware And Kitchen Tools

That old non-stick cookware in your kitchen that’s all scratched up? Throw it out NOW. Not only is it ugly and ineffective, it’s actually dangerous to your health. That non-stick finish is flaking off into your food, and that’s pretty gross, right? Here’s something to replace that non-stick skillet with.

You should also throw out any of your old kitchen tools that don’t work well or are broken because they aren’t even effective. You really won’t fix them or find another use for them. Just let go of them.

Old Food Storage Containers

If they don’t even have lids, they aren’t worth keeping. And if they aren’t labeled BPA-free, you should definitely throw them out.

Are you looking for tips on how to get more organized? You need to know what throw these things out now. Like broken pens, or pens that don't work, throw them out!

Pens That Don’t Write

How many of us have a junk drawer full of broken pens and pencils? Why do we hang onto them? Grab a plastic bag and go through that drawer right now. It feels so much better to be rid of them!

Puzzles Or Games With Missing Pieces

Don’t store games that aren’t complete because they are just taking up space you could use for something important.

Are you looking for tips on how to get more organized? You need to know what throw these things out now. Like expired medication, it's just taking up cabinet space!

Expired Medications

Old prescriptions are responsible for a lot of bathroom cabinet clutter. They’re also either less effective, or they’ve grown toxic. Don’t keep them around, just throw them out NOW.

Specialty Appliances

If you no longer use that sandwich maker or vegetable spiralizer, get rid of it. You’ll be happier when your kitchen has less clutter.

Are you looking for tips on how to get more organized? You need to know what throw these things out now. Old towels and linens should be at the top of that list.

Old Towels And Linens

The towels you received as wedding presents decades ago really ought to go! That goes for old sheets that are threadbare. If you feel better about it, donate them to an animal shelter–they can put them to good use!

After you throw this stuff out, check out these additional tips for cutting back because less is always more!

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