These Foods Make Fantastic Cleaning Tools

These Foods Make Fantastic Cleaning Tools| Cleaning, Cleaning Hacks, Cleaning Tips and Tricks, Home Cleaning, Home Cleaning TIps and Tricks, Cleaning 101, Clean Your Home, How to Clean Your Home #Cleaning #HomeCleaning

Wait, what?

Yep, you can use food for cleaning. In fact, there are a lot of different foods that make downright great cleaning tools. You’ve probably heard about cleaning with things like lemons and baking soda, but there are many other options, too. From bananas to rice, you can use these foods to help you clean a whole bunch of different things.

1. Banana Peels for Leather

Ever tried this one? Bananas are super for buffing leather furniture or shoes. Eat the banana first, then rub the inside of it all over your sofa, chair, and favorite pair of boots. You’ll be impressed by how much they shine!

2. Onions for the Grill

Yep, onions do a great job at cleaning your grill. Grab a big one and cut it in half. Then stick a fork in it and rub it all over your grill grates. It’ll take care of that grease and grimy buildup, so you’re ready to master the flame yet again.

3. Walnuts for Wood

Got a scratch in your dining room table and having company for dinner? Take a walnut (no shell) and rub it on the scratches and marks. The natural oils and color of the walnut will diminish the look of them and make your table look a lot better — fast.

4. Cucumbers for Crayon or Pen Ink

Got a toddler — or someone not so toddler — marking up your walls with crayon? Accidentally mark up your counter with pen? The outside of a cucumber is a great eraser for both of these mishaps.

5. Potatoes for Rust

If you have rust on your car’s bumper, dutch oven, or anything else really, you need a potato! Cut it in half and add a little baking soda on the cut surface, the rub it over any rusty areas. The oxalic acid is really effective at getting rid of rust.

Clean more with these ideas from Organization Junkie:

How to Clean ALL of Your Cleaning Tools

Cleaning Tips Every Clean Freak MUST Know

Clean Your Camelback Bladder and Remove Unpleasant Odors

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