10 Homemade Cleaners Made from Essential Oils

10 Homemade Cleaners Made from Essential Oils

10 Homemade Cleaners Made from Essential Oils


10 Homemade Cleaners Made from Essential Oils

Make a citrus scrub that’s great for cleaning and freshening your sink, tub, and even the carpet. Mix together about ½ or ½ a box of baking soda along with 10 to 20 drops of lemon essential oil. It’s that simple!


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For stuffed animals and other items, make a dry wash that can help clean it and make it fresh again! Combine 2 tablespoons of baking soda, 1 drop each of lavender, eucalyptus, and tea tree essential oils. Put them in a Ziploc bag along with the stuffed animal and stick it in the freezer for a while.


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Buying laundry detergent can be expensive and cover your clothes in all sorts of unknown chemicals. Make some by using soap, washing soda, borax, and tea tree and lemon essential oils. It’s a bit of work to make this, but it’s amazing!


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Cleaning your mattress is something that I often forget to do. But here’s a great and easy way to do it! Just mix baking soda and your favorite essential oils and shift the mixture onto your mattress. Let it sit for a few hours and then vacuum it up!


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This countertop spray is all natural and even works on granite! Mix together ½ cup rubbing alcohol, a few drops of dish detergent, and then 50 drops of your favorite essential oil. Put it in a 28 oz. spray bottle and top it off with about three cups of water.


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Mix together two ounces of water (distilled is best) along with 10 drops of lemongrass and/or lavender essential oils. Spray this mixture on your windows to clean up grime and maybe even help repel flies.


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Scuffed floors can be really obnoxious, so here’s a great solution! Put 2-4 drops of tea tree oil on the scuff, wipe off the excess, and then rub in distilled white vinegar. Repeat as necessary.


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Here’s a great way to naturally disinfect your refrigerator! Mix together 2 cups water, 1 cup vinegar, 2 teaspoons of dish soap, and a few drops of orange essential oil. Just rub the mixture in your fridge and you’re good!


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A super easy way to make your home smell great is with essential oils. Just mix distilled water with a few drops of your favorite essential oil into a spray bottle and spray it around the house. So easy!


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When was the last time you cleaned your brushes and combs? Mix together 1 ½ cup water, ½ cup white vinegar, and 20 drops of lavender essential oil (or whatever you like). Soak your combs and brushes in it for about 20 minutes, then rinse and air dry.

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