Having a bunch of haphazard and crazy cords around the house is enough to drive anyone nuts! A great way to keep them in order is by using sections of PVC pipe to store them! I even labeled the sides so I know exactly what each cord belongs to!
Walking into the shed or garage and seeing all the tools and equipment scattered about is pretty dangerous (and obnoxious). Instead of investing in costly organizers and storage systems, just use some PVC pipe! The closed off ends can be where the tools rest and then use a section for the upper part so it doesn’t flop over!
Depending on the style of your home, this could be a really awesome in your entryway! Not only does it organize shoes, but it also looks awesome! Especially if you paint it and decorate it really well!
Speaking of paint, you can use chunks of PVC pipe to organize your paint and other craft supplies. You won’t have to root around in drawers and boxes anymore to get the exact color that you want!
For cheap and easy pool storage near your pool, make your own PVC rack! You can build it do whatever size you need, and you can use it to hang towels, swim gear, pool toys, etc. It’s a great idea!
Instead of having the curling iron or straightener thrown under the sink or on the counter, you can use PVC pipe to make a holster! Just attach it to the inside of a cupboard and, BAM, an perfect home for your straightener or curling iron!
You can even make a little mini desk organizer out of PVC pipe if you need a way to hold your scissors, pens, rulers, etc. You can paint it to be whatever color you need; plus you get to customize the size based on your needs!
Using a PVC pipe, you can organize all the tape in your craft supply room! Simple slide the rolls of tape over the PVC pipe and you’re good to go! You could even organize things by shape, size, color, pattern, etc.
Put your inner handyman (or woman) to work and make a functioning cart for your hose! Attach wheels, and you can drag that bad boy anywhere you need in your yard! It’s a great way to stay organized and be mobile at the same time.
Add a little modern zing to your wine storage by making the holder out of PVC pipe! You can add smaller parts of PVC pipe to make pieces for your wine holder. Paint and design as you see fit!
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