16 Strange Things to Do With Baby Wipes

Baby Wipes, Uses for Baby Wipes, Things to Do With Baby Wipes, Life Hacks, Tips and Tricks, Cleaning Tips, How to Easily Clean Your Home

Baby Wipes, Uses for Baby Wipes, Things to Do With Baby Wipes, Life Hacks, Tips and Tricks, Cleaning Tips, How to Easily Clean Your Home

If you have a child in diapers, you’ve got baby wipes hanging around your house. You probably keep some in your diaper bag for wiping little faces, hands, and yes, little behinds. They definitely come in handy if you have kids, but did you know that baby wipes — whether you have small children or not — can be used to clean a whole bunch of unexpected stuff? Here are 16 things you probably didn’t know you could clean with baby wipes.

1. Give your car a quick clean-up

Sitting in traffic or red light? Grab a baby wipe and clean off your dash, steering wheel, or console. Might as well be productive, right?

2. Makeup remover

This one is kind of a no-brainer, but baby wipes are great for removing eye makeup. Halloween makeup too!

3. Freshen up on a hot day

Spending a day out in the heat? Grab some baby wipes to help you both clean up and cool down. Keep them in the cooler!

4. Remove stray marks

Got pen, crayon, or pencil marks on your walls or skin that don’t belong? Baby wipes to the rescue!

5. Temporary stamp pad

Fold a baby wipe on a paper plate, then add a few drops of ink and stamp away. They’re also handy for cleaning your rubber stamps.

6. Off the beaten path

If you’re camping and don’t have access to a proper shower, baby wipes can help you get through. Military staff often use them when under water restrictions, when they can’t take a shower.

7. Bird poop

We’ve all come out of the office or grocery store to find bird presents on our windshield. Baby wipes can get rid of it quick. Who’da thought?

8. Deodorant stains

Is deodorant leaving white stains on your dark clothing? Baby wipes can help remove them. Genius!

9. Clean Fido’s feet

Took your pooch to the park? Let him outside to play in the rain? Use a wipe to clean those dirty paws before they track dirt into the house or car. You can also use them to remove excess fur and give them a nice, shiny coat.

10. Hair static helper

Got flyaway hair? Use a wipe on yourself or your kid to tame it down quick.

11. Shoe shiner

Got patent leather (or fake leather) shoes? Shine ’em right up with a baby wipe. You might even see those scuffs disappear.

12. Drawer sachet

Keep your dresser drawers or linen closet smelling fresh. Drop a little essential oil (try grapefruit!) on to a baby wipe and tuck it in anywhere.

13. Envelope “licker”

Do you hate licking envelopes as much as we do? UGH. Baby wipes can rescue you from this yucky chore…especially if you have a lot to do!

14. Clean your screen

Everyone’s phone, tablet, and computer screens get marked up with fingerprints. Use a baby wipe to remove them quickly, without scratching.

15. Bad spray tan

Get a little too much self-tanner? Got streaks? Baby wipes can help you keep your self-tanning secret.

16. Hemorrhoid treatment

If you’re pregnant or just had a baby, this can come in especially handy. Those hemorrhoid wipes are speedy! Just buy the baby wipes with aloe (even better if they’re flushable…but if they’re not don’t chance it), then pour some witch hazel into the container. You’ll have relief ready to go!


Baby Wipes, Uses for Baby Wipes, Things to Do With Baby Wipes, Life Hacks, Tips and Tricks, Cleaning Tips, How to Easily Clean Your Home

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