17 Ways to Organize Your School Supplies at Home

17 Ways to Organize Your School Supplies at Home

Use some plastic bins to organize school supplies! These are a school supply classic and are easy to label so your kids know where everything is.

17 Ways to Organize Your School Supplies at Home

For a frugal way to organize school supplies, just paint some tin cans in fun colors. They work as great writing tool holders.

17 Ways to Organize Your School Supplies at Home

Add some magnets to the back of school supplies so they can be nice and organized by hanging up together. You can make sure they are all in the same place and they can be hung up and taken down as needed.

17 Ways to Organize Your School Supplies at Home

Shoe organizers work great to organize stuff for kids because the clear pockets are easy to see out of. Most of, or all, of the school supplies should be able to fit inside each pocket!

17 Ways to Organize Your School Supplies at Home

School papers can easily make a mess. Make sure to get a file organizer so that your kids papers are all in order and easy to find when they need them.

17 Ways to Organize Your School Supplies at Home

This wine holder has plastic cups in each spot which make for some nice colored pencil holders. This keeps everything in place and is easy to switch out when needed. The cups can be used for all other sorts of materials also.

17 Ways to Organize Your School Supplies at Home

For a nice school supply organizer on the go, use a plastic bottle! www.chicagobearsjerseyspop.com This is nice to be able to transport supplies from home, to school, and back home.

17 Ways to Organize Your School Supplies at Home

An organized school centran supply station goes great with a calendar! You can make it from chalkboard material like this one, or however you would like, but it will help your kids stay on top of their school assignments.

17 Ways to Organize Your School Supplies at Home

It’s helpful to have school supplies organized in one general area. Having a shelving unit like this one is nice to keep everything in place and easy to access.

17 Ways to Organize Your School Supplies at Home

Hanging assignments is a great idea for kids’ school work. They can clip on assignments that are due for the week and work on them when they need to. Old assignments can then be tossed or stored in a file folder.

17 Ways to Organize Your School Supplies at Home

Keep kids’ books organized with a shelf like this one. Because it is so thin, it can sit up against the wall without taking up too much space but the book titles are so easy to read when your children need to find the book they need to read for school.

17 Ways to Organize Your School Supplies at Home

Having an area for your kids to keep their school supplies ready to take with them in the morning, or drop off when they walk in the door home from school is the best. This area is nice for backpacks and other school essentials.

17 Ways to Organize Your School Supplies at Home

Having om a clock and schedule with school supplies g? is great to help kids learn time management and have a plan to accomplish their goals in school. A board like this one is easy to update and will help them a lot.

17 Ways to Organize Your School Supplies at Home

Use magazine holders to organize school supplies. If you have multiple kids, this can help to keep their school supplies separate from each other but if you just have one child then they can use these to divide their school subjects from one another and stay organized.

17 Ways to Organize Your School Supplies at Home

Use clear jars to put school materials in. These are nice because they have tight lids so nothing spills if they get knocked over! Because they are clear, kids can also Tips see what is inside without having to open them.

17 Ways to Organize Your School Supplies at Home

Use an organizer with handles for your kids’ school supplies! This is really nice because they can transport this little box around with them if they want to change scenery while working on school work.

17 Ways to Organize Your School Supplies at Home

Organizers with drawers are always nice because they hold a lot of materials and are easy to tuck away. An organizer like this is perfect because it’s so big and can hold everything your kids could possibly need for school work and projects.

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