What To Do With Your Child’s Artwork When School Ends

What To Do With Your Child's Artwork

What To Do With Your Child's Artwork | kids | organize | kid stuff | parenting | parenting hacks | artwork | save your kids art | art | kids art

The artwork that comes home over the school year can really rack up! So if you need help to figure out what to do with your child’s artwork when the school year ends, you’re not alone. That is an age-old question! Thankfully, today’s technology makes it easier than ever to save and organize all your child’s artwork. I’ll show you how!

What To Do With Your Child’s Artwork

Your child’s artwork is special, and if not so much for you, it definitely is to them! One reason to save your child’s artwork is to show your child that what is important to them is important to you. Before you decide what to save, go through all your child’s artwork with your child, and together agree on what to save and what to toss. Sort through and mark those pieces that are for display, those that can be framed, and those that are headed for the trash.

What To Do With Your Child's Artwork | kids | organize | kid stuff | parenting | parenting hacks | artwork | save your kids art | art | kids art

Digitizing Your Child’s Artwork

Thanks to today’s technology, you can save much more of your child’s artwork without space concerns or where to keep it. All you need is a good camera and a thumb drive.

What To Do With Your Child's Artwork | kids | organize | kid stuff | parenting | parenting hacks | artwork | save your kids art | art | kids art


Snap a photo of each piece of your child’s artwork that you want to save or remember. Once you have photographed all the various pieces, upload the pictures to your computer and save them on a thumb drive. Be sure to label the thumb drive somehow so you won’t forget what is on it!

What To Do With Your Child's Artwork | kids | organize | kid stuff | parenting | parenting hacks | artwork | save your kids art | art | kids art

Now all those lovely works of art your child created store easily without cluttering up your space. And there are a lot of ways you can use that thumb drive full of artwork.

  • Upload the pictures to a site where you can create your own calendars, photo mugs, and other gifts. Your child would love a calendar made from all their drawings!
  • Use the photos to have a book printed, featuring your favorites of your child’s artwork.
  • Print various sizes of your artwork photos for displaying in frames around the house.

If you’re not confident in your picture taking abilities, try Plum Print. They know what to do with your child’s artwork! You send them all the artwork you want to save, and they take professional pictures of every piece. You then choose to have an assortment of objects made from your child’s artwork, including books, pillows, shower curtains, or lots of other possibilities!

For more ideas, see how to store your child’s artwork.

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