If you have toys that are either broken or aren’t played with, then get rid of them. You can donate them to a charity, local children’s organization, or just give them to a family friend that has kids who would play with the toy.
There’s literally no reason to keep expired food around. Whether it’s bad fruit or old mustard, you should get rid of expired food as fast as you can.
While Tupperware is really helpful, it’s virtually useless without the lid (or a lid without a container). Take some time, and go through your Tupperware drawer. Get rid of any unmatched pairs so you’re not wasting space.
When it comes to your clothes, you should organize into three piles: keep, recycle/reuse, or donate. Keep what you like and wear, recycle old or battered clothes (like turning them into rags), or donate them if they’re in good enough condition.
On that same line, get rid of any kid or baby clothes that you won’t use anymore. You can give them to family members who have kids the clothes would fit or just donate them to a local shelter.
Not only kid clothes, but you should also get rid of any kid or baby things that aren’t of use to you anymore. Things like cribs, bottles, car seats, etc., can all be given away or donated.
You should also replace your air filter in your home. If you haven’t ever done it, then now is the time. Get rid of the old one and put a new one in. You’ll breathe so much better.
If you have a project that has been sitting around for a month or two, then you should probably just get rid of it. Chances are that you won’t get around to it anytime soon.
If you have chipped or broken dishware, it’s time for it to go. As you buy new stuff, slowly phase the broken things out. If they’re not too bad, you can donate them, but if they are then upcycle them into fun projects!
Try your hardest to find any missing shoes or socks but, if after a while you don’t have any luck, then get rid of its orphaned twin. You won’t ever use just one shoe.
You should probably get rid of your toilet bowl brush and get a new one. People forget to replace this, but it’s essential in order to keep your bathroom smelling and looking clean.
With the growth of technology, we can have so many electronics around the house. If you have any abandoned cords or wires, try to find what they go to and, if you can’t, then just get rid of them.
Old towels should be gotten rid of as well. Nobody wants to use a towel that’s paper thin or that looks/smells gross. Just get rid of the old towel and invest in some new ones.
While having lots of appliances may be nice, they can easily clog up your kitchen. If you have things you don’t use, then get rid of them. Things like a juicer or toaster oven may be nice, but decide if you use it enough to justify it taking up space.
Old medicine doesn’t just take up space, it’s also dangerous to have around. Check the expiration date on your medicine and, anything that’s old, should be disposed of properly (check the back of the medicine or your local pharmacy).
I love having books in my home, but they can take up a lot of space! If you’re the same way, then keep your favorite books around, but donate the rest.
Keeping track of paperwork is important, but that doesn’t mean it has to take over your whole home. Take your old bills and receipts, scan them, save, them, shred, them, and then recycle. It’s a simple process that will save you space.
You should be getting rid of your toothbrush and getting a new one every six months (at the most). Get rid of the old one and buy one that you like and that meets your needs.
While it’s always fun to be able to decorate your home when a certain holiday rolls around, you don’t need to stockpile every single decoration you’ve ever bought or received. Keep the seasonal items you like, and then get rid of the ones you don’t like or that are outdated.
Don’t keep a bunch of extras of the same items around the house. You don’t need 100 bowls and plates; just keep what you use and donate the rest.
Keeping your kids’ artwork may be for sentimental purposes, but it can also add up to quite a bit of space. Scan and save what you can, and then recycle the rest. It’s hard, but you can do it!
You should probably get rid of your vacuum filter right now and make sure to replace it. If it isn’t clean, then it will just spit dirt and dust right back out, making cleaning useless.
While artificial plants are nice to have around because they can’t be killed, not all plants look great. So if you have some artificial plants that you don’t like, then get rid of them.
Get rid of any broken pens or pencils (or any office supplies, really) that don’t work. They’re pointless to keep around and only serve to frustrate you.
Technology advances really fast, so you probably have some electronics around your home that are pretty outdated. Some of it you can sell or donate, but the rest you should just get rid of.
Get rid of any extra hangers. It’s good to keep a few around, just in case one breaks, but you don’t need fifty extra hangers. This will clear up space and also prevent you from buying a bunch of clothes you don’t need!
Don’t let your shelves and counter space get overtaken by odd and unwanted knickknacks. Keep some of the things that remind you of a vacation you went on or hold some other type of sentimental value, but get rid of the rest.
You should only be collecting boxes when it comes time to move. If you’re not moving, then get rid of extra boxes sitting around. Keep some (for storage, gifts, etc.) but get rid of the majority of them.
No need to keep old magazines around. Save the latest editions, but get rid of the rest. You can recycle them, turn them into craft material, or just use them as storage stuffers. Just don’t leave them lying around.
I hate it when I have a ton of batteries but none of them work. Take a few minutes to test all the batteries you have, and throw away any that are dead (or nearly dead). You’ll feel so much more free!
Helpful information I would like to have easy access to. I am downsizing.
I am transitioning to glass containers because they don’t stain, they don’t have the toxic chemicals that emit from plastic, and they allow you to see what is inside.
However, old Tupperware is great for organizing drawers.