5 Tips for a Paperless Kitchen

5 Tips for a Paperless Kitchen3

We’re all doing our part to cut back and make the world a cleaner place. One of ways you can do that is by having a paperless kitchen. Without all the paper waste in napkins, paper towels, etc., you can help make a difference! Most of these great ideas come from our friend at Happy Healthy Mama!

5 Tips for a Paperless Kitchen


5 Tips for a Paperless Kitchen

The first thing you want to do is make an inventory of what you have in your kitchen that is paper. This will help situate your needs and create a timeline for replacing all the paper goods. Figure out what’s paper in your kitchen and then make a plan on when and how to replace them.


<img class=”alignnone size-large wp-image-1141″ src=”https://organizationjunkie.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/5-Tips-for-a-Paperless-Kitchen2-350×263.jpg” alt=”5 Tips for a Paperless Kitchen2″ width=”350″ height=”263″ srcset=”http://organizationjunkie .com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/5-Tips-for-a-Paperless-Kitchen2-350×263.jpg 350w, https://organizationjunkie.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/5-Tips-for-a-Paperless-Kitchen2.jpg 1333w” sizes=”(max-width: 350px) 100vw, 350px” />

The best way to transition from paper is to start using cloth. You’ll want to make sure you have enough cloth napkins and towels to replace what you would use in paper goods. Cloth not only is more environmentally friendly, but it also looks so much cuter, too!


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Speaking of cute, a great way to get excited about your paperless transition is to get cute and convenient storage for your cloth items. You can get a cute little basket that fits on your table, or maybe some awesome jars that sit on the counter.


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You’ll also want to make sure you keep a laundry bin somewhere in the kitchen so that people can discard their cloth napkins/towels when they’re dirty. This makes it a lot easier to keep track of them and clean them.


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Last, make sure you spread the love! Get everyone in your home on board with the idea of going paperless. Not only that, but you can also get all your friends and extended family to do the same!

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3 thoughts on “5 Tips for a Paperless Kitchen

  1. I use cloth napkins and a lot of cloth towels. But I’m not going to start drying raw meat and fish with cloth. I think what I spare the environment by using cloth would be negated by the cost to the environment of washing with hot water and bleach.

    1. Same… And I have a kittycat with a sensitive stomach only a few things to use paper for- but otherwise- Great Cloth Dishtowels shown!!
      When kids were little I did this with lbaskets of little wash cloths all over

  2. We have not purchased paper napkins for YEARS! We use the collectible calander dish clothes. I have about 30, and purchased most of them at antique stores or thrift shops. They not only wash and dry well the length of them keep them from sliding off your lap.

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