7 Things You Should Clean Every Day



Most of us lead busy enough lives that we simply don’t have time to clean our homes every day. We probably clean some thing weekly and other things “as needed.” Those are good habits to have, but there actually are some things you should be cleaning every day. If you want to prioritize your cleaning tasks and save yourself some time, here are the things you ought to be cleaning every day.

1. Dishes

This one will be painfully obvious if you leave it too long. But if you simply load and run your dishwasher every day, your kitchen will look so much cleaner and better. Leaving dirty dishes in the sink only leads to bacteria and bad smells….not to mention dishes that are harder to clean.

7 Things You Should Clean Every Day| Cleaning, Cleaning Schedule, Cleaning Hacks, Cleaning Tips, Clean Home, CLean Home Hacks #Cleaning #CleaningHacks

2. Kitchen Sink

Did you know your kitchen sink is one of the dirtiest, most germ-ridden places in your home? It’s even dirtier than your toilet. After doing the dishes, spray it down with an antibacterial cleaner and give it a quick wipe with a couple of paper towels.

7 Things You Should Clean Every Day| Cleaning, Cleaning Schedule, Cleaning Hacks, Cleaning Tips, Clean Home, CLean Home Hacks #Cleaning #CleaningHacks

3. Bathroom Sink

It’s about the same thing here. Your bathroom sink actually isn’t as germy as your kitchen sink, but it’s still pretty gross. And who wants stuck-on bits of toothpaste sitting in their sink for a week? Use an antibacterial wipe on your bathroom sink every day.

7 Things You Should Clean Every Day| Cleaning, Cleaning Schedule, Cleaning Hacks, Cleaning Tips, Clean Home, CLean Home Hacks #Cleaning #CleaningHacks

4. Kitchen Sponge

The sponge might be the most bacteria-ridden item in your home. Don’t use it to wipe counters or scrub dishes unless you know it’s clean. You can microwave it for 1-2 minutes on low to kill the germs, but keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn’t begin to burn or smoke. Don’t clean your sponge this way if it has any metallic fibers.

7 Things You Should Clean Every Day| Cleaning, Cleaning Schedule, Cleaning Hacks, Cleaning Tips, Clean Home, CLean Home Hacks #Cleaning #CleaningHacks

5. Makeup Brushes

If you don’t want acne-causing bacteria on your face and in your makeup, you’ll want to store your makeup brushes in warm soapy water every time you use them. Have a rotation so you can use a dry one every day.

7 Things You Should Clean Every Day| Cleaning, Cleaning Schedule, Cleaning Hacks, Cleaning Tips, Clean Home, CLean Home Hacks #Cleaning #CleaningHacks

6. Coffee Maker

Without cleaning, your coffee machine will quickly turn into the perfect home for mold and bacteria. That’s why it’s important to take it apart and clean it every day. Not only will you keep germs from building up, but you’ll keep it from getting clogged up.

7 Things You Should Clean Every Day| Cleaning, Cleaning Schedule, Cleaning Hacks, Cleaning Tips, Clean Home, CLean Home Hacks #Cleaning #CleaningHacks

7. Keys

When you come home from work and hang up your keys, cleaning them is probably the last thing on your mind. But did you know your keys can have more bacteria on them than the buttons in your office elevator? You’ll be much better off to clean them daily with an antiseptic wipe.

7 Things You Should Clean Every Day| Cleaning, Cleaning Schedule, Cleaning Hacks, Cleaning Tips, Clean Home, CLean Home Hacks #Cleaning #CleaningHacks

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