8 Hacks for the Cleanest Windows EVER

8 Hacks for the Cleanest Windows EVER | Cleaning, Cleaning Windows, Cleaning Windows Tips, Cleaning Tips, Cleaning Hacks, Cleaning Hacks Tips and Tricks



You can’t really enjoy the view of  your backyard or neighborhood if your windows are streaky and dirty. I don’t know about you, but every spring I try to clean my windows after I’m sure we are done with snowy weather. If cleaning windows isn’t your idea of a good time, but you still want yours to sparkle, here are some window cleaning hacks that will make your life easier — and give you the cleanest windows ever.

1. The Blinds

Who wants to look through dirty blinds to see outside? Before you can enjoy your clean windows, you need to dust the blinds. There are several ways to do this, but our favorite method is to get a pair of tongs and wrap a dust cloth or microfiber towel around each side with a rubber band. Voila! You’ve got a DIY blind duster that does two slats at once!

8 Hacks for the Cleanest Windows EVER | Cleaning, Cleaning Windows, Cleaning Windows Tips, Cleaning Tips, Cleaning Hacks, Cleaning Hacks Tips and Tricks


2. Window Tracks

At my house, these tend to get neglected until I suddenly realize how horrible they look. Grab one of those disposable sponge paint brushes — a smallish one that fits the width of your track. Dip it in your favorite all-purpose surface cleaner and scrub away.

8 Hacks for the Cleanest Windows EVER | Cleaning, Cleaning Windows, Cleaning Windows Tips, Cleaning Tips, Cleaning Hacks, Cleaning Hacks Tips and Tricks


3. Moldy Sills

If your window sills get moldy due to moisture, fill a spray or squirt bottle with white vinegar, and add 3-4 drops of tea tree / melaleuca oil. Gently spray or squirt the area and let the solution sit for approx 30 mins, then scrub the mold away. Use a brush if needed, but be careful — you don’t want to release a bunch of spores into the air. If this concerns you, you can spray your paper towel or brush first, then apply the solution to the area instead of spraying the mold directly.

8 Hacks for the Cleanest Windows EVER | Cleaning, Cleaning Windows, Cleaning Windows Tips, Cleaning Tips, Cleaning Hacks, Cleaning Hacks Tips and Tricks


4. Use Woolite

 To scrub your windows.

8 Hacks for the Cleanest Windows EVER | Cleaning, Cleaning Windows, Cleaning Windows Tips, Cleaning Tips, Cleaning Hacks, Cleaning Hacks Tips and Tricks


5. Dust the Screens

A dusty window screen will ruin a clean window. Use sticky lint rollers to clean them in a cinch!

8 Hacks for the Cleanest Windows EVER | Cleaning, Cleaning Windows, Cleaning Windows Tips, Cleaning Tips, Cleaning Hacks, Cleaning Hacks Tips and Tricks


6. Clean on a Cloudy Day

If you don’t want all your window cleaning efforts to be ruined, clean your windows on a cloudy day. Why? Doing this on a hot, sunny day means you risk leaving streaks of sun-dried cleaner on your windows. When it’s cloudy, you’ll get a slower drying process that leaves windows streak free.

8 Hacks for the Cleanest Windows EVER | Cleaning, Cleaning Windows, Cleaning Windows Tips, Cleaning Tips, Cleaning Hacks, Cleaning Hacks Tips and Tricks


7. Prevent Spots

By wiping windows with an old piece of newspaper.

8 Hacks for the Cleanest Windows EVER | Cleaning, Cleaning Windows, Cleaning Windows Tips, Cleaning Tips, Cleaning Hacks, Cleaning Hacks Tips and Tricks


8. DIY Window Cleaner

If you want a truly streak-free window cleaner, you can’t beat making it yourself. You may not even need a squeegee! Combine 1/2 bottle of Jet-Dry (buy the 7-oz bottle), 4 Tablespoons of rubbing alcohol, 1/4 cup ammonia, and a handful (or 1/4 cup) of powdered dishwasher detergent. Miix it with 2 gallons of hot water and use this to clean your windows.

8 Hacks for the Cleanest Windows EVER | Cleaning, Cleaning Windows, Cleaning Windows Tips, Cleaning Tips, Cleaning Hacks, Cleaning Hacks Tips and Tricks

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