Rubbing alcohol is a very versatile liquid to have around the house. It is a mixture of water and isopropyl alcohol that is extremely inexpensive. Yet that bottle of rubbing alcohol is a lot more powerful than it looks! We have a list of amazing rubbing alcohol uses!

We all know it’s a must for a home first aid kit, but did you also know it’s amazing for keeping things clean and sanitized? Since it is a natural antiseptic and anti-microbial germ-killer, you should start using it in part of your cleaning routine. Here are 8 cleaning rubbing alcohol uses.

Rubbing Alcohol Uses For Cleaning
You may have heard this one before, but I can swear to the fact that it actually works. Mix 2/3 rubbing alcohol to 1/3 water in a spray bottle, and keep it in your car for frosty mornings. It will literally save you from having to scrape ice off your car’s windshield {a job I hate!}. Rubbing alcohol will not freeze, and when you spray it on an icy windshield, it instantly melts the ice. Just turn on your wipers to clear it away and you’re good to go!
My bathroom tends to get a little gunky on the countertop and even the tile floors from hairspray overspray. If yours does too, just use some rubbing alcohol to get rid of it. Spray the sticky areas with rubbing alcohol. Give it a minute or two to soak in, and then wipe all the yuck away with paper towels.
Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to buy window cleaner. Just make your own! Here’s a good recipe: to 3 cups of water add 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol, 2 tablespoons ammonia, and a drop of dishwashing liquid. Mix well in a spray bottle. This costs a lot less to make than you’ll spend at the grocer’s, and it works just as well!
Clean those greasy areas around your stovetop with just a little rubbing alcohol on a soft cloth. The rubbing alcohol almost immediately dissolves the grease, and then it air dries so quickly that there is no need for rinsing afterward. It couldn’t be any easier!
Rubbing alcohol will also help you clean the laundry. Namely, it’ll remove those ink stains on your clothes from a leaky ball point pen. Just saturate the stain with a cotton ball dipped in rubbing alcohol, and then launder right away.
Put a little rubbing alcohol on a soft white cloth, and use it to clean and shine all the metal doorknobs, faucets, and lamp bases throughout your home.
Remove stickers and their residue from glass by soaking it with rubbing alcohol.
Dab rubbing alcohol on a cotton pad, and then use it to clean and sanitize the surfaces of your cell phone, laptop and other handheld electronics.
Rubbing alcohol will remove stains from your microfiber furniture without ruining the fabric.
A little bit of rubbing alcohol on a cotton pad removes fingerprints from your stainless appliances. Just buff to a shine.
Now that you know about these awesome rubbing alcohol uses, check out my post on 20 shocking ways to use WD-40!
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