Bright Tips To Keep You Organized During A Power Outage

Power Outage

Are you prepared for the next power outage? They have a way of occurring when you least expect it, and at the most inconvenient times! Today’s bright tips will help keep you organized so you can survive a power outage whenever it strikes.

There's nothing worse than not being prepared for a power outage. In this day and age we almost don't know how to function when the lights go out. I've got some bright tips to help you stay organized during this situation. Tips about kits, food and more that make you feel prepared.

Bright Tips To Keep You Organized During A Power Outage

Is there anything worse than a power outage? Here are some amazing tips for when you have a power outage. You will be so glad you know these!

Tip #1: Be prepared!

It's important to be prepared for any sort of disaster or emergency. These tips for a power outage are something you definitely need to know!

As part of any disaster preparedness is a power outage. Power outages happen for a variety of reasons, and sometimes combined with another catastrophic event, such as a hurricane or winter blizzard. So it pays to make a preparedness checklist that covers any of the scenarios you may experience where you live, and that includes items for a power outage. Take the time to think over all the ways you use electricity in your home. Then come up with back-up plans for what you will do instead if the power is out. For example, if your stove is electric, have a plan for preparing food during a power outage–such as storing a bag of charcoal to use in the grill.

Tip #2: Keep a stash of stuff just for power outages

It's pretty obvious that you need a flash light for a power outage, but do you know what else you need? Here are some tips to help you stay organized during a power outage.

It can be pretty frustrating if the power suddenly goes out at night, and you can’t find the flashlights. Or they’ve all got dead batteries! Prepare a plastic tote and stock it with stuff just for power outages. This can include flashlights for the family, extra candles, waterproof matches and plenty of spare batteries in a variety of sizes. Label this tote “Power Outage” and store it somewhere easily accessible. You don’t want to have to go stumbling around in the basement to find it!

Tip #3: What about cell phones?

Have you ever had a power outage occur just when your phone is about to die? Yeah, not a great scenario. Stay organized during a power outage by keeping on-the-go chargers for each cell phone in your family. But make sure you keep them charged so they can do you some good when it really counts! Speaking of cell phones, do you know the best way to clean all your electronic screens?

During a power outage, you can't pay for anything if you only have a card. Learn why it's important to have cash, and what else you'll need during a power outage.

Tip #4: Cold, hard cash could win the day

If your entire area experiences a power outage and you need cash, banks and ATMs are going to have issues getting it to you without electricity. Card readers won’t work. Avoid the hassle by keeping some cash on hand for emergencies. It’s a good idea to keep this cash in small bills.

Tip #5: Stay comfortable

When the power goes out in some sort of weather extreme, particularly during the heat of summer or a freezing cold winter, staying comfortable gets a little harder. Keep warm blankets, extra layers and other warm gear in your emergency kit for winter. During the summer, store a few small battery-operated fans to help your home feel cooler until the power is restored.

Finally, help keep yourself and your family entertained during the next power outage by adding some fun books, color pages, and other items that work for your family to your emergency preparedness kit. These items go a long way toward helping everyone survive!

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