Clean Your Microwave in 3 Steps



It’s time for a clean microwave! If you go to use your microwave and often find a splattered mess, you know how hard cleaning it properly can be — especially quickly. If you want to clean your microwave the easy way, these tips will help you do it in just a couple of steps and very little elbow grease. Here’s how I get a clean microwave easy! .

1. Your Old Friend Vinegar

Vinegar has a ton of cleaning power for a clean microwave, especially when it’s hot. Start by pouring 1 cup of plain white distilled vinegar into a glass measuring cup or microwave-save bowl. Grab a wooden spoon and put it into the cup to ensure your vinegar doesn’t get super-heated (you likely won’t need this step, just a simple precautionary measure).

Clean Your Microwave in 3 Steps | Cleaning, Cleaning Tips, Clean Microwave, Clean Microwave Easy, Clean Home, Clean Home Hacks


2. Heat it Up

Place your vinegar-filled up in the microwave and heat on high for 5-10 minutes. Go shorter if your microwave is higher power (say 1,000 watts or more). Go longer if you have a less powerful mode. When the timer goes off, remove the vinegar. It’ll be hot, so protect your hand! Your microwave will build up some powerful steam while the vinegar heats up.

Clean Your Microwave in 3 Steps | Cleaning, Cleaning Tips, Clean Microwave, Clean Microwave Easy, Clean Home, Clean Home Hacks


3. Wipe

Now that the microwave has built up a lot of steam with the heated vinegar, it’s got a powerful cleaning agent all ready to go. All you need to do now is grab your sponge and wipe out all that splattered food. Start with the top and sides and wipe everything onto the bottom. Then, grab a paper plate to wipe the mess into, so you won’t have another mess to clean up when you’re done. How easy was that?

Clean Your Microwave in 3 Steps | Cleaning, Cleaning Tips, Clean Microwave, Clean Microwave Easy, Clean Home, Clean Home Hacks

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