Clean Your Shower Curtain in 10 About Minutes or Less

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Cleaning, Cleaning Tips, How to Clean Your Shower, Quick Ways to Clean Your Shower Curtains, Fast Ways to Clean Your Shower Curtains, Cleaning Hacks, Fast Cleaning Hacks, Cleaning Tips and Tricks, Top Cleaning Tips, Popular Cleaning Pins, Popular Organization Pins

You chose the perfect shower curtain, and it looks amazing in your bathroom. Right on! But a few weeks or months later, it’s not looking so great. Hard water and soap scum have taken hold, turning your once lovely shower curtain into a stinky eyesore…especially noticeable when you’re in the shower. Yuck! Isn’t a shower supposed to get you clean, not make you feel gross? And let’s face it: you’re a busy person, and you don’t have a ton of time to clean your shower curtain. If it’s not a traditional fabric, you might worry about throwing it in the washer. (I’ve actually ruined more than one shower curtain this way) Here are a few ways you can get it clean, fast.

1. Hydrogen Peroxide

Simply fill a spray bottle with hydrogen peroxide, undiluted. Spray the yucky spots and let it work for about 5 minutes, then scrub with a brush and rinse. If you keep this handy in your bathroom, you can spray your curtain after each shower. It’ll stay much cleaner that way.

2. DIY Mold & Mildew Remover

Use this homemade solution on your shower curtain or shower door to get rid of that gross film. All you’ll need is vinegar, tea tree oil, and hydrogen peroxide (optional). Spray it on, let it work, then scrub it away.

3. Don’t Fear the Bleach

You know that orange-colored gunk that seems to grow on your shower curtain? It isn’t a type of mold, but it is a bacteria called serratia marcescens (it even sounds gross, doesn’t it?) and a bleach solution is the perfect way to get rid of it. Use 3/4 cup bleach to 1 gallon of water.

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