How to Completely Spring Clean (In Just 1 Day!)

Before you start cleaning, you need to declutter. Follow the three basket rule: keep, donate, discard. Every item you have should go into one of those piles. If you can, don’t just throw things away. Try to recycle them or repurpose them so you aren’t hurting the environment!

The next thing you want to do is to dust and wipe down the walls, doors, and fans. You won’t believe how much gunk and grime builds up here after time! You’re pretty much going to work your way from the ceiling down.

After dusting and washing down the walls, it’s time to deal with the rugs, mats, etc. Dust and beat the ones you can outside, and the rest should go in the washing machine (if possible). There’s really no point in spring cleaning your home if you let all the dirt just settle onto the rugs and pillows and cushions.

Now that you’ve gotten rid of that dirt and dust, clean the mirrors and windows. Wash the inside and outside of the windows. Make them shine like you’ve never seen them before!

The second to last step is to vacuum your home. This may take a while, but it’s vital. For extra measure, you can even vacuum the rugs and mats so they’re so clean.

I like to save mopping until after I’m done vacuuming. I think the vacuum kicks up dirt and dust that gets stuck on a freshly mopped floor. But you can do it in whatever order you’d like. Mop the floors and that’s it! You’re all done with spring cleaning!

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