Do You Follow The Closet Organization Rules?

Closet Organization Rules

Do you follow the closet organization rules? If you’re thinking “What rules?” then chances are you don’t. Let’s fix that right now! Here are the closet organization rules you need to know to keep the most organized closets yet!

Most people have messy closets. Why? Well, it's because they don't follow the closet organization rules. If you are now scratching your head wondering what that means, you are not alone. Most haven't heard of these. But once you learn them, you will have an organized closet that you will love. Read on for these rules. #closetorganizationrules #closetorganization

The Closet Organization Rules

Does your closet organization consist of living with a mess until it gets so bad you either can’t find anything, can’t open the doors, or both? If you’re living the cycle of clean closet, messy closet, clean closet–you can stop the cycle by following the closet organization rules. Here’s how to keep a clean closet once and for all. Make sure you declutter first, then you’ll be ready to start!

Do you follow the closet organization rules? Learn what these rules are and have the most organized closet ever!

Prioritize the Space

This requires a bit of thought, but part of closet organization is to decide where your stuff should go–and that doesn’t include the bottom of the closet unless you absolutely have to. What this means is that your most used items need to be front and center. Everything else should go higher up.

Do you follow the closet organization rules? Learn how to have a place for everything and see how much easier your mornings can be.

A Place for Everything

Everything in the closet needs an assigned place, and then it needs to live there permanently. If you have too much stuff for your closet, then consider donating the items you really don’t use.

Can You See It?

I’m sure you’re aware that the items you can’t see are the ones you forget about. Don’t let that be the case with your closet! Put everything so that it can be seen, and then you won’t forget to wear it or take care of it.

Do you follow the closet organization rules? When your closet is organized, your life becomes so much easier!

Keep Up With the Old

Part of keeping up with closet organization is keep up with the old. That means periodically purging your closet of the stuff that doesn’t fit, is wearing out, or you just don’t like. Be sure to do this anytime you bring home something new.

Baskets & Bins Aren’t for Everyone

If you’ve tried using baskets and bins to organize your closet, only to find that you lose track of what’s inside, then don’t use them. They’re only effective when you keep track of the contents! It’s part of making sure you can actually see everything you put in the closet. Instead, use closet organization systems that don’t hide things.

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