Electronics are a big part of life, so keeping a clean, pristine screen is important. But do you know the best way to clean electronic screens without scratching or damaging them? Today I’ve got what is hands down the best method on how to clean electronic screens without damaging them. Don’t leave without checking it out–all of your electronic screens will thank you!

How To Clean Electronic Screens
What NOT To Do:
No matter which type of electronic screens you have {phone, laptop, or LCD television}, there is one sure way to damage them all, and that’s by using regular window cleaner. Your screens may give you a glimpse of the world at large, but don’t clean them like a glass window. Many electronic screens have coatings to help protect them from scratches, and window cleaner can actually damage this coating.
How To Clean Electronic Screens
What you should keep in your home for all electronic screens is plain old distilled water. {Believe it or not!}. You should also buy a lightly textured microfiber cloth. These two things will help you clean electronic screens without damaging them! You can purchase a pack of 4 Elite Tech Gear Oversized Microfiber Cloths for all electronic screens at Amazon.

Clean A Laptop Screen
To clean the LCD screen of a laptop computer, you can use distilled water and a microfiber cloth. You can also eyeglass cleaner if you have it. Spritz the microfiber cloth with either distilled water or liquid eyeglass cleaner, and then use the cloth to wipe down the laptop screen. Wipe in an up-and-down motion, and then side-to-side, until all streaks and fingerprints are gone.

Clean A Smart Phone Or Tablet Screen
If your smart phone or tablet has a tempered glass screen protector, the safest way to clean it is with distilled water and your microfiber cloth. Spray the water onto the cloth and then apply it to the screen. Wipe down the screen to remove all traces of dirt, grime, and fingerprints. Use cotton swabs to get into the crevices around the edges.
In addition to knowing how to clean electronic screens, you should also know how to safely disinfect your smart phone.
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