5 Things You Should Do Each Morning To Keep A Clean House {But Rarely Do}

Keep a Clean House

Would you like to feel like you keep a clean house without slaving away day in and day out? There is a way! There are only 5 Things To Do Everyday To Keep Your House Clean. These 5 things don’t replace your regular weekend cleaning chores, but they do go a long way. They’re worth doing, because less clutter and less mess leaves you feeling less stressed when you get home from work at the end of the day.

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5 Things To Do Everyday To Keep Your House Clean

You probably rarely take the time to do these 5 things, but if you start you’re sure to notice a positive difference. What are the 5 things you should do?

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  1. The first thing you should do each morning to keep a clean house is pretty simple. But it’s so simple that a lot of people don’t bother to do it. Just make the bed! It doesn’t matter if you feel like you’re gonna mess it up again that night. Look at the difference a made bed makes when you walk into a bedroom! Personally, seeing my bed made each day makes me feel a lot more relaxed.
  2. Get your family’s help to keep a clean house. That means that every person should get up and make their own bed. It only takes a couple of extra minutes, and then all the bedrooms in your home instantly feel more clean. You should also get everyone to pick up after themselves in the morning. Put breakfast dishes in the sink, dirty clothes in the hamper, and leave the bathroom tidy.
    Keep A Clean House | clean | cleaning | tips and tricks | clean house | how to | how to keep a clean house
  3. One thing that goes a long way to keep a clean house is to throw in a load of laundry each morning. Decide what’s most pressing, and get it done. One day it might be a load of towels, another day could be whites. Whatever the load consists of, doing one each morning is a great way to help you feel like you’re staying ahead of the never ending pile!
  4. Keep a laundry basket handy for quick tidying up each morning. All you have to do is grab the basket and make a walk-through of the main rooms in your house. Pick up anything that’s out-of-place and toss it in the basket. Either return those things to their rightful place, or assign someone in the family with that task.
    Keep A Clean House | clean | cleaning | tips and tricks | clean house | how to | how to keep a clean house
  5. Know what the highest traffic areas of your home are, and spend a few minutes each morning to tidy them up. That could mean a quick pass with the vacuum, or a simple wipe down with a sanitizing wipe. When the high traffic areas are tidy, your entire home feels more clean!

Add these 5 Things To Do Everyday To Keep Your House Clean to your morning routine to keep a clean house. You’ll be glad you did! Here are 7 more things you should clean every day.

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