Here’s The Best Way To Clean Your Pet’s Pillow

Are you a pet lover? No matter what type of pet you own, you need to know how to clean your pet’s pillow. Pet pillows can and do get pretty dirty, even for the tiniest and daintiest of pets–and even if you regularly bathe your pet! For your pet’s best health and safety, keep their pillow clean. Regular cleaning also helps the pillow last longer. Here’s how to clean your pet’s pillow. Send your pet outside to play while you clean his pillow–but make sure the yard is pet-proof first!Clean Your Pet's Pillow | pets | clean | how to | cleanliness | how to clean your pet's pillow | pet owner | cleaning

How To Clean Your Pet’s Pillow


The good news is that pet pillows are pretty easy to clean and care for! Between washings, I like to vacuum my pet’s pillow when I vacuum the room it’s in. Vacuuming removes any loose debris and pet hair and prevents it from piling up and harming the fibers of the pillow.

Check The Care Tag

The manufacturer’s care tag on your pet’s pillow has some clues into the best way to clean it. Most pet pillows have at least a cover that can be removed and machine washed. Other pillows are completely machine washable. The only restriction is the size of your pet’s pillow. Is it small enough to fit comfortably inside your washing machine? If the answer is yes, you can toss it in there with some mild detergent on the gentle cycle.

Clean Your Pet's Pillow | pets | clean | how to | cleanliness | how to clean your pet's pillow | pet owner | cleaning

How To Clean Your Pet’s Pillow By Hand

  • If your pet’s pillow is too large for your washing machine, you’ll need to wash it by hand. A great place to do this is in your bathtub!
  • Fill the bathtub with warm water and add a small amount {2-3 tablespoons} of liquid laundry detergent. Swish the detergent around to dissolve.
  • Add the pillow to the water. If necessary, use a soft bristle brush to remove any stains from your pet’s pillow and/or the pillow cover.
  • Drain the tub, then fill with cool water to rinse the pillow. You may need to do this step twice to completely remove any remaining suds from the pillow.
  • Squeeze the pillow to remove as much water as possible.
  • Set the pillow outside in full sun to dry. The sun will also help to remove any lingering pet odors.

Clean Your Pet's Pillow | pets | clean | how to | cleanliness | how to clean your pet's pillow | pet owner | cleaning

Once you clean your pet’s pillow and it has thoroughly dried, replace the cover if needed, and set it back in its place. Fido will thank you for his clean, fresh-smelling pillow!

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