12 Uses for Bar Soap Around the Home

Uses for Bar Soap, Bar Soap Uses, How to Use Bar Soap Around the House, Cleaning With Bar Soap, How to Clean With Bar Soap, Home Cleaning Tips, Unique Cleaning Hacks, Home Cleaning Tricks, Popular

Uses for Bar Soap, Bar Soap Uses, How to Use Bar Soap Around the House, Cleaning With Bar Soap, How to Clean With Bar Soap, Home Cleaning Tips, Unique Cleaning Hacks, Home Cleaning Tricks, Popular

Mix together 1/3 cup grated bar soap, ½ cup borax, and ½ cup washing soda. Use this mixture for a basic and natural laundry powder!

12 Uses for Bar Soap Around the Home

For any clothes with stuck zippers, try this trick. Just rub it down with a bar of soap. The waxy texture will help get the zipper back on track, this makes your life so much easier!

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Before you go out to the garden, rub a bit of bar soap on your fingernails. This will seal them up so that you won’t get dirt and grime underneath your nails as you garden. Just come back in and wash your hands, and you’re good!

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Make your drawers slide easier by rubbing bar soap on them. You may have to remove the whole drawer, but it’s such an easy solution. This also works for squeaky doors.

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Tons of people swear by this hack. Just lightly rub a bar of soap on your mirror and it should help prevent fog from condensing on it after a hot shower!

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For your sliding door track, rub a bar of soap across it! You might need a bit of soap for this (especially if the track and door are big), but it’s a solid solution to fix a stuck sliding door.

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I absolutely love this idea. It’s so clever. If you have to make a hem or readjust one, then mark the line with a bar of soap. Once you hem the piece of clothing, just wash it and the line will go away!

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Did you know you could use a bar of soap as a pin cushion? It’s the perfect size and consistency! Just stick the pins and needles in it for an easy pin cushion.

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This is also another fantastic idea. Put a bar of soap in your closet, drawers, storage containers, etc. That way, whenever you open them, you’ll be greeted by a nice fresh smell. Plus, it keeps your clothes in them so much fresher!

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Hang some bars of soap around your garden to help deter deer and other pests. You’ll have to play around with the placement and quantity until it works as well as you need it to.

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Lots of people swear by Irish Springs ability to deter mice in your home. Some say this doesn’t work, but others say it works great, so why not give it a try if you’re having a mice problem?

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Rub a bar of soap on the sweat rings on the collars of your shirt before your launder them. This helps break down the sweat stain and get rid of it prior to washing!

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Uses for Bar Soap, Bar Soap Uses, How to Use Bar Soap Around the House, Cleaning With Bar Soap, How to Clean With Bar Soap, Home Cleaning Tips, Unique Cleaning Hacks, Home Cleaning Tricks, Popular

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