Cleaning is probably the least fun chore that has to get done on a daily basis. Seriously, if you don’t believe me, don’t do a bit of cleaning for an entire day, and notice how insanely messy your house becomes. Instead of spending hours agonizing over keeping your home clean, use these 15 tips to help you breeze through it.

Cleaning, cleaning tips, cleaning hacks, popular pin, cleaning supplies, DIY clean, easy cleaning, kitchen cleaning hacks


1. Lemon and Salt 

If you own a wooden cutting board, this could be the cleaning solution that changes your life. Use a lemon rind and some course salt to scrub and disinfect your cutting boards. Easy peasy lemon squeezie!

15 Lazy Girl Cleaning Tips


2. Easy Oven Cleaning

No one likes to clean their oven. It is a long (and smelly!) process! If you’re looking for an all natural way to clean your oven, look no further! Slightly Steady has come up with the ultimate natural oven cleaner. All you need is baking soda and vinegar.

15 Lazy Girl Cleaning Tips

3. Revamp Your Leather

If your leather chair has seen better days, here is a quick and easy way to bring it back to life. Use a soft cloth to rub a dab of olive oil into the chair. Be sure to use a circular motion!

15 Lazy Girl Cleaning Tips


4. Dust Your Television Set

Don’t even think about using a paper towel for this! How annoying would it be to see streaks on the screen? Instead of using a paper towel, or an expensive microfiber cloth, use a coffee filter to clean your screen. You’ll be amazed you didn’t think of it sooner!

15 Lazy Girl Cleaning Tips

5. Grapefruit and Salt

Okay, so we definitely had another cleaning tip involving a fruit rind. But this one is just as good as the last! Use a grapefruit and course salt to get rid of those unsightly rings that build up around your bathtub. Seriously. A totally natural way to remove bathtub scum!

15 Lazy Girl Cleaning Tips


6. Clean Your Microwave

Don’t stress about scrubbing off that baked on tomato sauce. Really, there’s no elbow grease needed! Place a halved lemon in 1/2 cup of water (make sure you squeeze the lemon into the water!). Microwave for 3 minutes, and then let the mixture stand in the microwave for 5. All you have to do now is wipe out the inside!

15 Lazy Girl Cleaning Tips

7. Use Chalk to Remove Stains

If you fall victim to a greasy stain on your shirt, don’t stress! Don’t break out the spot cleaner either! Rub some chalk over the stain, and wash like normal. Believe it or not, the chalk will absorb the grease!

15 Lazy Girl Cleaning Tips


8. Clean Toys

Kids are messy, gunky, and full of germs, so it’s only natural that their toys would be the same way! Instead of disinfecting them one at a time, place them all in a mesh bag and wash them in your washing machine. It isn’t the most quiet cleaning tip, but it certainly gets the job done.

15 Lazy Girl Cleaning Tips

9. Get Fresh Towels

If you’re tired of that musty mildewy smell, this tip is for you. Skip the detergent next time you wash them, and add a cup of vinegar instead. You’ll be amazed at how fresh your towels smell!

15 Lazy Girl Cleaning Tips

10. Use Newspaper

If you’re aiming for that streak free shine on your windows or mirrors, you may find that paper towels just don’t cut it. Instead, use some old wadded up newspaper and vinegar. After rubbing the windows down with vinegar, use the newspaper to get rid of any residue. You’ll be amazed!

15 Lazy Girl Cleaning Tips

11. Shower Head Hack

Instead of standing under a slow stream of water, completely miserable, try cleaning out the gunk that’s backing it up in the first place! Soak your shower head in a bag filled with vinegar.

15 Lazy Girl Cleaning Tips

12. Clean Vacuum Filters

Instead of replacing your vacuum filter, a little wash could be just what it needs. Place your filter in the dishwasher and run it on a normal setting. Once it has been cleaned, it’s a good idea to run the dishwasher empty, just to make sure all that gunk is gone!

15 Lazy Girl Cleaning Tips

13. Clean Your Blender

Instead of running your blender through a dishwasher cycle, you can literally clean in in two minutes! Simply put some vinegar mixed with water into the blender, and run it through a cycle. This removes any stains, and makes it easy if you want to use it again!

15 Lazy Girl Cleaning Tips

14. Clean Your Toothbrush 

Naturally disinfect your toothbrush using vinegar. Soak your toothbrush in a glass of vinegar for thirty minutes.

15 Lazy Girl Cleaning Tips

15.  Clean Old Cookie Sheets

If you’re an avid baker, chances are your cookie sheets have seen better days. Get rid of any baked on gunk, apply a paste of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Let it soak for two hours, and then wipe it all away!

15 Lazy Girl Cleaning Tips

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