There is nothing worse than having that gross “pee” smell in your bathroom! YUCK! Here are some fast and easy ways on how to get rid of pee smell in your bathroom.

How To Get Rid Of Pee Smell

To start, make sure you flush your toilet from the very beginning so that you are cleaning with fresh, new water. Over time small amounts of residue or dust particles can sit at the surface and you won’t want to clean with dirty water.

Pour one cup of bleach into your toilet bowl, and then put on some gloves. Use a sponge and start scrubbing the inside of your toilet really well. The bleach will not only help with cleaning, it should be able to kick the pee smell out of your bathroom pretty quickly.

Try to see if the inside of your tank also smells like pee when you lift the lid. If you can still smell urine, put some white vinegar into your tank and clean the walls of the tank.

Make sure to clean the base of the toilet really well! Pee can build up really easily around the bottom and keep the smell trapped in your bathroom, even if everything else is nice and clean.
How To Get Rid Of Pee Smell

If you have a rug in your bathroom, throw it in the wash! If there is any pee that accidentally got onto the rug, your rug will continue to release that smell, especially when there is moisture in the air from taking showers. Cleaning your rug will make a huge difference!

Wash the walls in your bathroom and all of the molding around the bottom ledges, and pictures too! The walls behind or next to your toilet are especially important to clean well because urine can splash and stick to the walls when you flush the toilets.

Once you feel like your toilet is really clean and you have gotten rid of the pee smell, you will want to keep it that way! You can make your own toilet fizzies to keep that funky bathroom smell away by adding baking soda, citric acid, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and a bit of essential oil. After you make them you can just drop them in the bowl and they will keep your bathroom smelling fresh.

Not only will you want your bathroom to smell clean, you will want it to actually be clean too! Cut off a piece of a magic eraser and drop it in your toilet, to keep it clean in between the times you have to do a deep cleaning. As it floats and dissolves overnight, it will clean the walls of your toilet for you.
Looking for more bathroom cleaning tips? Check out my post on how to remove mold from tile grout permanently!
very nice I always have that pee smell and hate it. I have cleaned my walls and the smell is back, so I will try your suggestions.. thank you for sharing.
I read in Martha Stewart ‘s magazine how vodka takes odors out of fabrics. Well having two sons with an aim problem i used it on the tile areas around the toilets and it works! Good luck !
Vodka, huh?? Maybe if he thought I was having to use Vodka to get rid of the pee smell he might aim better. Save the Vodka!!!!!
Possibly another good thing to do is to sprinkle baking soda around the base of the toilet, this is the area where urine accidentally falls owing to the fact that most regular toilets are not ‘men friendly” i.e. the height is wrong for males to pee into the toilet. Once you have left the baking soda a few times and the smell has gone, use a toilet mat and make sure it goes part way up the toilet stand, thus if anyone’s pee falls short of the inside of the bowl, then the mat will soak it. It would take some training of the males in the household on how to aim and make sure it all falls in the toilet bowl.
Another more drastic measure that works when all of these have been exhausted …recaulk the toilet! Remove the old caulking, spray with a bleach cleaner at the joining of the toilet and tile, let dry over night (if you can) and then recaulk. Works everything! I do this every 5 years or so, whether I need to or not. Haven’t had that smell since!
Another more drastic measure that works when all of these have been exhausted …recaulk the toilet! Remove the old caulking, spray with a bleach cleaner at the joining of the toilet and tile, let dry over night (if you can) and then recaulk. Works everytime! I do this every 5 years or so, whether I need to or not. Haven’t had that smell since!
Mary, totally agree. My husband and I tackled this recently, and it made my bathroom look so much better!
So much joy knowing all the tricks in cleaning the bathroom & eliminating the pee smell. Thank you for sharing .
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you should read about Bucksflooder first
Never mind the hard work or the chemicals – buy a cattle prod and get your Dominatrix on! Humans should not be peeing on the floor – ever! Isn’t the bowl a big enough target for them??
Alternatively, point it out to them straight away so they can clean it themselves. Being male does not make a person blind and unable to clean their own mess.
Go get them girls!! 😉
So your clearly single. Rude much? And you don’t have little boys in your home.. That’s evident and if u do I feel extremely sorry for them to have you as a mother
My mother always mopped the bathroom in vinegar. (3 little brothers)
There is a product called Natures Miracle. Breaks the enzymes down and eliminates the smell. It’s for pet urine but will work on human. You can get it at Petsmart.