Clean Your Ceiling Fan in Minutes

How to Clean Your Ceiling Fan, Cleaning Your Ceiling Fan, Home Cleaning TIps and Tricks, Clean Home, How to Clean Your Entire Home, Simple Ways to Clean Your Home, Popular Pin

How to Clean Your Ceiling Fan, Cleaning Your Ceiling Fan, Home Cleaning TIps and Tricks, Clean Home, How to Clean Your Entire Home, Simple Ways to Clean Your Home, Popular Pin

Have you looked at your ceiling fans lately? Chances are when you do, you’ll think, “yuck.” Mine are super dusty, I admit. Why? Well, reason 1 is that I’m only 5 feet tall and I can’t reach them without standing on a chair. Reason 2 is that they’re honestly a pain in the butt to clean. Or at least they were, until I discovered this trick that helps even shorties like me get those dang things clean. You wanna know, don’t you?

1. Get Friendly With That Old Pillowcase

This tip has been tried and tested by plenty of people, myself included. Yeah, I still need that chair, but when I use a pillowcase, I can get all the dust off without getting it in my eyes. I don’t wanna wear goggles when I clean, do you?

How you go about this is pretty self explanatory. Throw that pillowcase over the fan blades one at a time and rub away. You can add some cleaner into the mix if you want (like vinegar and water). The best part? No dust in your hair! Fantastic (see what I did there?)

2. Fan Favorite Duster

Your other truly viable option (without taking the blades down) for fan blades is to buy one of those long-handled dusters meant specifically for ceiling fans. The great thing about using this method is that even I don’t need a chair. Score!

3. Once in a While

You won’t be able to do this in minutes, but every so often you just have to take the fan blades and light fixture off to clean them. It’s not difficult, but it will take a little time.

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