Sick of Your Messy Medicine Cabinet? Try These Ideas

The best way to take care of a messy medicine cabinet is to start over. If you really want to take control, you need to start fresh. Remove everything from the shelves and completely empty the cabinet. Get ready to tackle these medicine cabinet organization ideas!

Medicine Cabinet Organization Ideas

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Once you have emptied out the medicine cabinet, go through all the medications you pulled out. Look for anything that is past its expiration date. Check for any medications that you don’t use any longer. Don’t put any of that stuff back inside the medicine cabinet–get rid of it. Prescription medications should be taken to a take-back site to be on the safe side. If no take-back events occur in your area, mix the old medications with something gross like coffee grounds or dirt. Place the mixture in a sealed bag and toss it in your trash.

Thoroughly wipe out the cabinet. Clean up any sticky spills and make it look spic-and-span before you put anything back. Doesn’t it look pretty now?

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Hopefully your medicine cabinet has adjustable shelves! If so, adjust the shelves so that you can fit all your personal care items inside. Toothpaste tubes and toothbrushes tend to be some of the taller items. If you can make room for them in the medicine cabinet, you can clear up space on your bathroom counter. Plus, it is definitely more sanitary to keep them inside the medicine cabinet.

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Decide what goes back inside the medicine cabinet. Have you been storing cosmetics or occasionally used items on the bottom shelf? Consider what you use most often and allocate the bottom shelf for those things. The stuff that isn’t as important can be relocated to the top shelves.

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Consider storing all those little pairs of tweezers, nail clippers, scissors, and bobby pins on a magnetic vanity organizer instead of in the medicine cabinet. If your cabinet is large enough, mount a magnetic strip inside the door or above a shelf to hold those pesky little items. You’ll love not having to search for them anymore!

Another medicine organization idea is to streamline the first aid supplies. Store them all together inside a designated bin or canister so nothing gets lost. It’ll probably take up less space that way!

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You’re on your way to medicine cabinet organization you can live with.

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