Today’s post puts the focus on ways we can work smarter and not harder. You just need to organize your work life. An organized work life prevents those days that feel like you accomplished nothing. Does that sound like a fantastic New Year’s resolution? The best part is, it’s a resolution that is completely doable. With the best tips on how to organize your work life, you can succeed. Let’s make it happen this year!

- Do your most important task first. It might even be the most dreaded task, which is all the more reason to get it done and out-of-the-way as quickly as possible! Once you get your most important task done, you can feel that sense of accomplishment which has a way of motivating you to keep going. Once you accomplish the most important task, have 4 or 5 more that you have prioritized for that day.
- Set time limits for your work. Whether you’re going to fill out some paperwork, write an article, or conduct a meeting, set a time limit on it. Once you set that limit, make it happen and don’t go over.
- Build small breaks into your time. For example, set a 45-minute time limit for that article you need to write, and then take a 10-minute break to refresh before moving on to the next task.
- Set limits on your email. That means, don’t let yourself get sucked into your inbox and caught in a time-warp. It’s easy to do, so set a timer and allow yourself small increments of time to check your inbox during the day. If it isn’t time to check your inbox, don’t do it.
- Declutter your desk. Keep it clean so that you can quickly see and access the papers and files you need when you need them.

How To Organize Your Work Life
Finally, use technology wisely. It’s easy to get lost in Facebook or Instagram, so “hide” them in the back of your apps and keep yourself out of them during your designated work hours. All of these tips, if implemented, lead to a more organized work life, and a happier one too! Now that you have your work life organized, check out my post on habits to form to become an organized person.

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