22 Things You Should Throw Out RIGHT NOW!

Cleaning, clutter free living, stay clutter free, clutter free life, popular pin, clutter, things to throw away.

Now don’t get too bothered by the title….just because I said “throw out” I don’t necessarily mean in the garbage. I strongly believe in helping our environment, so when possible donate, recycle, or reuse before taking the option of throwing something in the trash. With that being said….there are SO many more things I could add to this list, and I am sure you could too (please share your ideas), but at least this is a start to de-junking and spring cleaning the house! You will love the feeling of reducing the clutter around your home….it’s almost addicting!

Cleaning, clutter free living, stay clutter free, clutter free life, popular pin, clutter, things to throw away.

1.Medicine and Vitamins

Go through your medicine cabinet and check the expiration dates and get rid of any that are expired. If you have any excess prescription drugs please make sure that you dispose of them properly.

2.Receipts and Bills

Definitely don’t get rid of these right away, but there is no need to keep receipts for things you can no longer return. If you like to keep long term track of your bills and spending a good idea is to put them on the computer! Either switch to paperless billing, or make an excel sheet with the information. Make sure you have a good filing system for your papers, so that when you do have bills or receipts you need to keep you know right where they are! And don’t forget to shred and recycle the paper instead of throwing it away 🙂

3.Non-Used Clothes

Now I know in my other post I said never throw away old clothes, but let me explain myself. If you can use them as En old cloths, for quilting or sewing purposes, etc. and you have a place to store them….that’s when you need to keep them and get more use out of them! Here I am talking about those lightly worn clothes that sit in the closets of your home taking up space, and collecting dust. Now…don’t go crazy and throw them away….there is a better way! If you are needing some extra money you can sell them at resale & Funny consignment store. OR even better you can donate them! To homeless shelters, or second-hand stores. My Aunt goes to Africa at least 3 times a year, and is always looking for clothes and shoes to take, so you can also contact local non-profit organizations and this can be a great option for your lightly worn clothes and shoes as well!

4.Old Shoes

If they are old, and falling apart then throw them out, but if they still have some use in them (just not from you) then take some of the options listed above for old clothes!

22 Things You Should Throw Out RIGHT NOW!

5.Earrings with Lost Pair

I don’t know why I had the hardest time with this for the longest time. I guess I just assumed the other earring would eventually show up! Maybe keep them for a little while, but if it’s been more than a month and the other one hasn’t shown up….probably time to throw it away and clean up that jewelry box.

6.Handbags and Purses

Usually when it’s time to switch purses you will want a new one…not one that you already used forever and got sick of. So donate them and let someone else get some good use out of them instead of taking up space and collecting dust in your closet!

7.Old Magazines

You can donate these to SO many different places, or at least recycle them. If there is a particular article or picture you like then have a folder of magazine clippings, or make a digital copy of it, but for the rest get rid of them!

8.Expired Makeup

I do it to…we keep it around “just in case” well if it’s old and expired chances are we won’t ever use it again, so get rid of it!

22 Things You Should Throw Out RIGHT NOW!


You should go through your fridge at least twice a month, your food storage and dry good every 2 or 3 months, and your freezer every 3 or 4 months. If something is close to expiration then move it to the front and make plans to use it, and if it unfortunately went past it’s expiration then get rid of it

10.Old Electronics and Cords

It’s amazing Dressing how quickly electronics can go out of date these days. So if you have old cell phones and devices that are no longer being used find a place to recycle them. This goes for cords too….if you don’t know what it goes to then get rid of it.

11.Dry Cleaner Hangars

They are flimsy, and don’t work very well…and you end up with more each time you take your clothes in. So either turn them into s’mores sticks, return them to the dry cleaners, or throw them out.

12.Greeting Cards Without Sentimental Value

There are definitely those certain cards from a spouse, child, parent, or someone else close to you that you want to hold onto and cherish. But for the rest….recycle!

22 Things You Should Throw Out RIGHT NOW!

Image from Small Notebook

13.Old Loofah

A loofah..just like your toothbrush..needs to be changed out often. It can start to grow bacteria especially if it doesn’t get completely dry between uses, so throw it in a wash cycle maybe once if you can without it falling apart. Besides that you should change out your loofah every 4 to 5 weeks.


Speaking of toothbrushes…it’s good to keep one or two old ones around for cleaning purposes, but you Look really don’t need more than that. Dentists recommend that you change your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months, or sooner if the bristles are frayed.

15.Old Bridesmaid Dresses

Or fancy dresses from any occasion for that matter. If you really will wear it again…keep it! If your keeping it because it is nice and you don’t know what to do with it…well then get rid of it! If your community has a local Facebook page or Craigslist, etc. post it on there! I am sure there is someone with a wedding, high school dance, cruise, or event coming up that can’t afford a new one. Sell it to them for a reasonable price and it ends up being a win for you, them, and the dress!

16.Old Movie Ticket Stubs

Sure you might want to keep the ticket stub from you and your husbands first date together for a scrapbook. Other than that they usually end up in a box or drawer. So recycle the paper, and save yourself some space!

22 Things You Should Throw Out RIGHT NOW!

17.Old Paint

It may be good to keep a little but of you are in need of a touch up (make sure it is stored safely away from kids!), or a craft project, but paint has a shelf life. If it has never been opened it can last up to 10 years, but if it has been opened and used make sure you close it tightly, store in a cool dry place, and use it within two years. If you know you won’t use it within that time, or you have paint sitting around that is older than that. Get rid of it! But please….make sure to dispose of it properly!

18.Board Games with Missing Pieces

Chances are you have at least 1 board game in the house that is missing a few pieces….if you can still play the game without the piece great! If not…get rid of it! It’s not worth donating if there are pieces missing, so recycle what you can and throw the rest.

19.Half Finished Projects

We all have them….those awesome projects that we got so excited about and then got half way through and never finished….now they sit in the corner for “one day” when you will finish them. You have 2 options..finish it now, or get rid of it because you probably never will!

22 Things You Should Throw Out RIGHT NOW!

20.Socks without a Pair

Does the Changing laundry monster visit your dryer too, and randomly eat clothes? He seems to really like socks at our house….they disappear one day never to return! I have a basket of socks with just one pair hoping the other will 2013! surface. If it doesn’t within a week or two then you can turn it into a cleaning rag (or blind duster) or Tree get rid of it.

21.Old Change

Now obviously don’t throw this away, but take it to the bank and either turn it into bills, or deposit it! If it’s sitting in a change jar in your closet then you’ll never use it and it just takes up space.

22.Old Sunscreen

Check the expiration date….if it’s expired then throw it out because it’s not going to protect your skin properly!

22 Things You Should Throw Out RIGHT NOW!

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One thought on “22 Things You Should Throw Out RIGHT NOW!

  1. For the games pieces, I read a couple of days ago you can sell them on e-bay as people are just missing a couple and you may have those. Good idea

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