10 Things You Should NEVER Throw Away

Organization, organization hacks, home organization, popular pin, get organized, stay organized, home storage, DIY organization

Don’t get confused with the title of this article…I am all about getting rid off excess, and de-junking! But with that being said, there are some things that are good to keep around that could save you time and money in the future.

Organization, organization hacks, home organization, popular pin, get organized, stay organized, home storage, DIY organization

10 Things You Should NEVER Throw Away

Pens and Pencils

If they are broken, or don’t work then by all means give them the toss, but if not they are something that seems to disappear in the blink of an eye, and you’ll be out buying more Cluttered before you know it!

Drawers and Chairs

This one is only true if you are a DIY’er. They can come in handy for so many awesome projects. For a few cute ideas visit The Cottage Market.

Glass Food Jars

Especially if they have a lid. Take of the label and throw them in Out the dishwasher. You can use them for storing dry goods, homemade dressings, soup containers, projects, and so much Connection more!

10 Things You Should NEVER Throw Away


This one is definitely user discretion..if you have a ridiculous amount of books then don’t let them take over your home and storage, but there are so many ways of decorating and DIY’ing with books. It’s so nice to have your own personal library to choose from and it will teach your children the importance of books and reading!

Pipe Cleaners

They really don’t take up much space, and can be stored neatly. They make the perfect craft for those times when the kids are getting a little bored…and they aren’t messy!

Fruit and Veggie Scraps

Please don’t keep these on your counter just to attract fruit flies…but don’t throw them away either! They can be used tánc as a great compost in your garden to help your plants grow!

Plastic Trash Bags

I try to avoid getting these if possible, but we all still end up with some so we might as well get the most out of them! They can be great for small garbage DIY liners, garbage collectors in the car, cleaning the kitty litter, cleaning up after pets on walks, holding wet swimsuits, etc.

10 Things You Should NEVER Throw Away

Coffee Filters

Another craft project waiting to happen, and they really don’t take up much storage space. Check out DIY Ready for some amazing coffee filter art projects.

Old Clothes

You can make quilts out of old jeans, cut up cotton shirts for rags around the (eine house, make sure there is no way to reuse them before you toss out your old clothes!

Mismatched Plates

There are some cute wall art ideas out there with old mismatched plates, so keep them around and create a masterpiece!

Let me know what other “do not throw away” items that you have lying around!

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